(PCC)‘Will Provide’ is much different than ‘Are Providing’
Ask yourself these questions.
Where was the preparation before the storm hit, like we saw in Florida?
How can we send our hopes and prayers to people whose communications have been cut off?
Why didn’t Kamala fly over the destroyed areas?
Why are there no photos of Biden or Kamala meeting with FEMA officials?
Has bottled water been shipped to the affected areas?
Why haven’t Kamala or “Sleepy Joe” stated that additional recovery funds will be made available?
Where are the photos of FEMA’s temporary shelters for those left homeless?
Why haven’t Joe or Kamala said they are reaching out to members of the House of Congress from the affected areas to ask what their districts need?
Why aren’t Kamala or Joe working with Catholic Charities to provide food supplies to the newly homeless?
Why hasn’t the Red Cross been mentioned in their conversations?
Where are all the hospital patients being relocated to?
Why aren’t Kamala and Joe announcing where the relief centers are and instructing survivors to head there?
Why hasn’t the military been dispatched to assist the National Guard in finding and rescuing the injured and homeless?
Final Word: ……and why do millions of Americans still believe Kamala will make a great leader in times of crisis?