MUST-READ: VA Nurse Comes Forward, “By Complying With The COVID-19 Guidelines I Would Be Participating In Terrorism”

(Tea Party PAC) – The number of medical professionals willing to stand up and take a stand against the sham COVID “pandemic” and the subsequent illegal vaccine mandates is very small indeed.

It takes so much courage to recognize what’s really going on and to speak out against it. Fortunately, there are brave men and women in the medical industry who just cannot sit idly by and comply with this lunacy.

Jerry Bledsoe is one such individual. Bledsoe is a registered nurse who works for Fayetteville VA Medical Center (VAMC). He recently sent a letter explaining why he has no plans to comply with the COVID protocols and guidelines set forth by the Veterans Administration.

He believes that if he were to participate in these protocols mandated by the VAMC that he would be intentionally doing harm to individuals placed in his care thus preventing him from being an advocate for his patients.

Bledsoe says that he isn’t a “social media person” and asserted that he has “no ulterior motives besides providing the best care for my brothers and sisters seeking care in the Veterans Administration.”

He noted that he is expecting to “be terminated” but also says that there hasn’t been anyone he has spoken with that has disagreed with his letter. He points out that “everyone is scared to lose their job pension and they feel that there is nothing that can be done.”

He further explains that his “admonishment” has been for “refusing a direct order” and that there has been “no concern whatsoever about the side effects” he has seen from the vaccines or his “arguments to provide early treatment.”

Well of course, the COVID scam has never actually been about health or safety. It’s always been about control, more specifically population control, and getting the masses to submit to the will of the elites.

Bledsoe further believes that by participating in the COVID-19 protocols and guidelines as set forth by the hospital he would be engaging in terrorism.

“The guidelines set forth, create an environment of fear or terror through faulty PCR testing, withholding of or limiting prophylactic or early treatment, the use of harmful medications for inpatient treatment, and vaccine mandates to compel or coerce the population into taking an experimental vaccination. This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, and I believe it to be terrorism,” Bledsoe wrote.

In his letter, he eloquently and thoroughly breaks down the reasons why he cannot participate in the COVID-19 protocols and affirms his commitment to prioritizing “the safety and wellbeing” of his patients and coworkers.

He stated, “In times of active shooters or mental health crisis’s I never questioned doing the right thing to protect those around me and at this time, I feel that my actions are needed to ensure that we do the right thing for our families, patients, and peers.”

He goes on to give the definitions of the words “terror, terrorism, and coerce” as is given by the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

#1: Terror (noun): A state of intense and overwhelming fear. Violence or the threat of violence used as a weapon. A very frightening or terrifying aspect.

#2: Terrorism (noun): The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion.

#3: Coerce (transitive verb): To compel to an act or choice. To achieve by force or threat. To restrain or dominate by force.

He asserted that based on those definitions he would be participating in terrorism. He also contends that the VA is “in direct violation of Title 18 US code 373, Solicitation to commit a crime of violence (The United States Department of Justice, 2020 1081. Overview of Solicitation | JM | Department of Justice).”

He quoted Nazi war criminal Hermann Goring, who said, “You can do this in a Nazi regime, socialist, communist, monarchy or democracy; the only thing a government needs to turn the population into slaves is fear. If you can find something to scare them, you can make them do anything you want.”

Bledsoe said he believes Goring’s quote to be true today and pointed out the fact that everyone in America seems to be in fear one way or another. For those who don’t fear the virus they fear the mandates. There’s fear over losing jobs and livelihoods.

There is so much fear and it seems to be controlling all aspects of Americans’ lives.

This is a sentiment that I believe to be true. I believe this is where we are today, at the precipice of a tragedy, and I cannot be a part of it.

He noted several atrocious periods of history when fear ruled and contended that we, the people, have the power to stop tragedy.

“We as a people can stop this from happening. Not through violence, hiding or trying to manipulate the system but through civil disobedience. If we were to come together as healthcare workers stop complying with the current COVID-19 guidelines and instead provide accurate information and effective early treatment, would we not be providing the best care to our patients and peers with transparency, honesty, and integrity?”

His letter goes on to detail his concerns and what he believes to be possible solutions including doing away with PCR testing as well as mandates for masks and vaccines.

Bledsoe’s letter is a good reminder that we do, in fact, have the power to stop all of this madness. We must stop complying. The only way to end this charade is to stop playing along with it. There is no other way.

Copyright 2021.


  1. At a time when the rest of the world is starting to question the draconian methods of these supposed scientists and experts, their masks that don’t work, their vaccines that don’t work to prevent the contagion or keep one from passing it on, their denial of treatment once you have it, at this time, these spineless individuals attempt to reinstate all this rubbish. Some states and communities have never even participated in these genuflecting rituals that the left demands of its subjects. I am hopeful that these traitors will be gone after the November elections. Save us the trouble of forcing them to leave our capital. This could very well be their plan because they always project and it is what they always said they would have to do with Trump. So watch for their refusal to abandon power in an illegal manor.
    Reminder: Starbucks has stuck a sharp stick in the eye of the leftists. Do your best to support them while the left is trying their best to cancel them. Do for them what you did for Goya and make these commies pay for their treason. Send a message to that worthless Biden.

  2. It is known that depopulation is a high priority for the new world order. Experimental and potentially dangerous shots should not be mandated under any circumstances. We, the people, have a God Given Right to say “NO” to having a potentially dangerous substance injected into our body. Governments do not have the right to force us to receive their injections because our God Given Rights are much higher than those of earthly governments.

  3. Finally, we have someone with integrity who knows what is going on and is willing to take a stand. If we the people don’t. start doing the same thing we will lose big time. Thank you for being so brave and bringing this to light. GOD bless you and yours.

  4. The vaccines are nothing but a political bioweapon to create genocide and to depopulate the world. The vaccines were never FDA approved- read the approval, it was another vaccine approved. Fauci lied and people have died. Fauci is the current Dr. Mengele, Dr Death. The vaccine is altering your DNA, causing blood clots, sterility in females, neurodegenerative diseases, myocarditis, death to mention a few. Why do you think congress and illegal immigrants are not mandated for the vaccine? Those in power want the power and the immigrants to be their slaves. US citizens don’t mean a thing , we are expendable. Ivermectin works but if the FDA admitted it then the vaccines would not be allowed their experimental usage and big Pharma, namely Bill Gates, would lose out. This is the biggest scam in history. Time for the people to stand up to these mandates and take control of this country and say no more! I applaud this VA worker. As a fellow veteran we have your 6. I will never apologize for standing for my fellow brothers and sisters, for my flag, and for my country.

  5. I have been very suspicious about this vaccine from the beginning. In my feelings this is an experiment in eugenics. This is the answer that the very top of the world elite community has taken to quell the over population of the world and by this, gain their control of the societies there in. This has nothing to do with the good health of the peoples of this world. When education
    to help the people realize some voluntary birth control could change the population problems in one to two generations, the elites choose this eugenics program to gain control over the world populations. After all significantly lower populations with the fear created will and is making the elites more powerful over the peoples of this world. Think about the path the elites
    have taken, it is not extended for our benefit???
    My concern is for all as we are becoming nothing more than the “herd”!

  6. “FEAR” – WISDOM of SOLOMON 17:12-13 – “Fear is nothing but the failure to use the help that reason gives. When you lack the confidence to rely on reason, you give in to the fears caused by ignorance.”
    SIRACH 34:13-17 – “Fear the Lord” (Encouraging scripture)
    Psalm 91:1-16 – “God Our Protector”
    Reference: Good News Bible GNT

    • I have a sister in law who got one of these jabs and ended up in the hospital three days later with an inflamed stomach and lungs. She was in and out of the hospital three times and now will be on oxygen for the rest of her life! She is also sleeping 16 hours or more a day and has to have help getting out of bed. In other words she is slowly dying. I will never submit to getting any of these fake covid vaccines.

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