(PCC)A double standard in disaster recovery is now taking place! The Biden/Harris Regime is forcing the Hurricane Helene survivors to sell their lives for a ‘Land-Only’ check, disregarding the loss of their homes, barns, livestock, and personal belongings. The double standard is how the US government rebuilt Germany, including providing food, clothing, and living supplies for former Nazis.
In World War II, America flattened Nazi strongholds and leveled German cities, but after the war, the US Corps of Engineers rebuilt the cities into pristine and picturesque metropolises, restoring them exactly as they were before and some even better than before!
However, today’s Hurricane Helene victims do not receive the same treatment as former Nazis; they lost their homes, barns, livestock, and all their earthly possessions in exchange for a Biden/Harris Regime ‘land-only’ check.
In other words, US citizens are asking why they are being treated worse than the hated Nazis?
Without receiving fair compensation for the modifications made to their property, survivors of Hurricane Helene are being compelled to sell their land to the US government as directed by the Biden/Harris Regime. This contentious property buyout method has generated outrage, particularly as the victims feel devalued and abandoned by the government that should be supporting them in rebuilding.
The U.S. Corps of Engineers, responsible for rebuilding Germany after World War II, does not appear to treat loyal Americans with the same dignity and commitment. The disparity in treating Americans during natural catastrophes like Hurricane Helene has sparked a strong sense of unfairness and deep seated hurt!
Forced Buyouts: The survivors of the Helene disaster confront a challenging situation where they receive a meager Land-Only Check based solely on the government’s valuation of their now worthless land, rather than the actual value they have lost.
Do you believe this is simply a Tin-Foil-Hat conspiracy?
Get this: North Carolina’s Governor Roy Cooper confirmed the government will not help rebuild several areas severely damaged by Hurricane Helene. Rather, the state intends to purchase the ‘land’ from its present proprietors. In a recent climate forum, Cooper defended the strategy, stating that the increasing frequency and strength of hurricanes due to climate change make rebuilding in certain areas impractical. Instead, experts advise communities to establish green spaces as a means of absorbing floodwaters and preventing future damage.
Cooper said, “We’ve dedicated a significant amount of time to carefully consider our approach to rebuilding.” “You simply shouldn’t rebuild in some places. Additionally, we have convinced some groups that buyouts are better.
From the perspective of catastrophe prevention, this strategy may sound reasonable, but it has made many Hurricane Helene survivors feel like mere props in a bigger political game. The Government appraised land prices for these homeowners, some of whom have owned their homes for generations, do not account for the added value of the improvements, personal belongs and lost lifetimes they have built over the years.
A Sharp Contrast: Rebuilding Germany Following World War II vs. Forsaking American Citizens. Why did America rebuild the very cities they bombed? Why didn’t Americans just pass out land-only checks’?
Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina asserts the weather will likely destroy the rebuilt cities regardless, but he fails to draw a parallel with the ongoing wars in Germany, which could potentially destroy the very cities the US has rebuilt after World War II.
There is a clear parallel between the current state of affairs and the way the United States managed catastrophe recovery during World War II. When bombing raids left most of Germany in ruins, the United States was instrumental in helping to restore war-torn Europe. Reconstruction initiatives spearheaded by the U.S. Corps of Engineers helped bring Germany back to full operation by revitalizing entire cities. It is a painful irony that Americans, now dealing with their own destruction, aren’t receiving the same level of attention and dedication as before.
Rather than investing in community reconstruction, the government is choosing to purchase land. Residents who anticipate their government prioritizing the reconstruction of their homes and lives are finding this decision disheartening.
About 80 years ago, when the United States successfully restored a foreign Nazi nation, many Hurricane Helene victims (US Citizens) questioned why they should have to relocate and give up their property without receiving fair compensation and why they should take a ‘back-seat’ to formal Nazis?
Those experiencing the aftermath of Hurricane Helene have a different perspective on the rhetoric of resilience and long-term preparation, despite the fact that it may seem reasonable. They see it as an easy way for the Biden/Harris Regime to seize land while claiming that it is protecting the climate.
The main question is whether the government can appropriate land from its citizens without giving them just compensation or a way to rebuild. Should the government put long-term climate planning ahead of its citizens’ urgent needs?
The answer is obvious, for Hurricane Helene survivors desire the liberty to reconstruct instead of facing eviction and receiving a meager land-only payment!
Final Word: Since survivors of Helene are now being forced to sell their land to the Biden/Harris government without considering their true loss, why aren’t American individuals receiving the same attention and dedication that was previously given to Nazi Germany?
What is Hurricane Helene survivors true loss? ……………..Dignity