Trump Can’t Do It Alone! He Needs We the People To Back Him UP!
Trump took a bullet for us, dragged through the mud, sued, threaten with prison, stocked by 5 assassin teams! Now he needs you to Make America Great Again!
We Won, America Won – Now It Is Time To Finish The Job! This Is Why We Need You!
We got all 3 Houses! The White House, House Of Representatives and the Senate! Never before has America been in such a positive position rebuilt our Republic as now! So you can see why America needs you now so together we can…..
Make America Great Again!
The Left will fight tooth and nail, put up roadblocks, threaten violence and unleash a nationwide temper tantrum BUT WE WILL NOT STOP!
Secret Progressive mobs are forming to stop our landside and they will pull every dirty trick they can but we will keep marching! Got It!
Are You Read to: Secure The Border – Reduce Inflation Downsize Government – Audit The Pentagon Gut The IRS – Fire The Bureaucrats …..and that is just for starters!
Clearly, the clock is ticking!
Tea Party PAC is bringing these important issues to the light of day and with your help we will not stop! Right now we are planning to….
- Call our Congressmen
- Send Congress Powerful Letters
- Visit Washington Meet Decision Makers Face to Face
- Build Strong Coalition With Other Patriot Groups
- Turn Remaining Blue Precincts Red!
We in the Tea Party PAC have been quite vocal now it’s time to put words into action!
The left is fuming mad about their loss and it looks like they are firing up Antifa, planning a national temper tantrum and filling the courts with worthless paperwork only to stop Trump and the MAGA revolution, but we won’t let them!
Are You Ready To Keep The MAGA Revolution Going So We the People Can Make America Great Again and Finish The Job! ?
You, I and all Patriots must Make America Great Again! We must not fail! Pray for Donald Trump, his family and America.
A personal message from our co-founder…
I’m telling you this straight up, face to face! You and I voted for The Felon With The Gunshot Wound and his Hillbilly VP because we knew they would get the job done.
WE WON! But it cost us dearly!
Now it is time to unleash the power of We the People and give the Trump Team and MAGA members of Congress the backup they need! Got It!
They tried to kill Trump, but God protected him. It is now our responsibility to ensure Trump and the Congressional MAGA Team receive the necessary support!
We need your prayers and support to complete the task and restore America’s greatness! Time to Drain the Swamp, Install the MAGA Doctrine, and Fire the Communist once and for all!
To be honest with you, I am shocked at how the left is still trying to stop Trump! Socialist Progressives has put MAGA, Tea Party, and Patriots on their kill list, so we need to move quickly!
You can now understand why I urgently need your assistance! This is not easy for me, but we must stay in the battle to defend Trump’s, MAGAs, and Tea Party PAC’s message from being silenced!
We must raise $12,2024.00 the next 4 days just to pay our bills and keep in the fight!
This election has taken its toll on us and we are drained!
Look, here are the facts. As an Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee (also known as a Super PAC), you and your business can give as much as you can, and to be honest, God knows we need it.
We Are Drained! After this massive win we are trying to recover so we can finish the job! (…this is why we need you now more than ever!)
Could you assist us in covering some or all of the $12,2024.00 shortfall need?
We must have brave patriots to give several thousand dollars to keep ahead of the coming attacks by the angry left cabal! …but give what you can!
Could you, your family, and your business contribute a few dollars, and then follow up with a personal donation? This would enable us to make up for our expenses we incurred during the election fight!
PLEASE! You can go to sleep tonight knowing you stepped up and did your part in making America great again.
We Won! It’s now time to clear after this election battle and complete the task!
Thank you!
Someday your grandchildren will thank you for saving the Republic for them!
With Fervent Determination