BOMBSHELL: Bill Clinton Caught In Massive Sex Trafficking Scandal, Could Face Probe

(Tea Party PAC) – During the trial of the now notorious Ghislaine Maxwell, who, on December 29, was found guilty of both recruiting and trafficking young girls for her former lover and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his sex trafficking ring, ex-U.S. President Bill Clinton was cited as being someone who regularly flew on the tycoon’s private plane which is known as the “Lolita Express.”

According to a new report from Infowars, former President Bill Clinton should be the subject of an investigation concerning the ties he has with Epstein and his cohort Ghislaine Maxwell in the wake of her prosecution, reports The Sun, which cited several U.S. barred lawyers.

“‘Sophisticated predator’ Maxwell, a former girlfriend of the tycoon, was convicted in a New York courtroom on 29 December of recruiting and grooming underage girls, some as young as 14, for Epstein’s sexual abuse between 1994 and 2004. She faces up to 60 years in jail, with sentencing expected at a later date,” the report said.

“The sex trafficking couple had boasted connections with the rich and the powerful, such as politicians, Hollywood celebrities, and royalty. Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Donald Trump have all at some point been linked with the hedge-fund manager,” Infowars continued.

“These high profile associates of Epstein and Maxwell should be investigated by US prosecutors, insist legal experts cited by the outlet. They underscored that this could be invaluable in the hunt for more accomplices of the billionaire who died in his cell in 2019 while awaiting sex trafficking charges,” Infowars added.

While the former president has not been directly accused of doing anything wrong, the fact he’s so deeply associated with Epstein and Maxwell has led to a lot of speculation.

In fact, during the recent trial of Maxwell, Clinton’s name was brought up by the pilot of the “Lolita Express.” Larry Visoski actually gave testimony in court that he specifically remembered Clinton and Prince Andrew, and many other Hollywood celebrities being among the passengers of the private jet.

However, Visoski also testified that he never personally witnessed any sort of sexual activity happening on board the plane.

According to lawyer Lisa Bloom, who represented eight of Epstein’s accusers in civil suits brought against his estate, was quoted as saying that all of the associates of “partners in crime” Epstein and Maxwell who boarded his private jets should be the subjects of very thorough investigations conducted by prosecutors.

“There are probably thousands of victims in total, so when you’re talking about the scandal, there has to be others who were involved. The question is, who else knew they were abusing girls besides Jeffery and Ghislaine?” Bloom stated.

Wendy J. Murphy, a former prosecutor for the state of Massachusetts was cited as saying, “The case that was presented against Maxwell almost implied that the only people she and Epstein were servicing in this ring was themselves, and we know that’s not true. It feels like, at the end of the day, that there’s another shoe to drop – or many shoes to drop.”

She then said the so-called “customers” have so far “evaded any accountability.”

“‘Attorney and former counsel to President Donald Trump, Jenna Ellis, was quoted as adding that ‘known associates like Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and others should be brought to justice if they had any involvement in sexual exploitation of minors,'” the report stated.

Both attorneys stated they felt it was highly unlikely that Maxwell would provide any information on high-profile figures that are linked to Epstein in exchange for receiving a lighter sentence.

“Prosecution confirmed no plea bargain offers were made or received… I expect that position to be maintained,” Maxwell’s brother, Ian, said according to the Sunday Times.

But, even if any high-profile individuals were accused of wrongdoing connected with Epstein, there’s a slim chance any of them would face criminal charges, according to former U.S. Prosecutor Bradley Simon.

Simon stated the statute of limitations likely has expired, adding that “prosecutors tend to shy away from the very powerful in the very rich.”

“Under no circumstances do I expect anyone else to be criminally charged,” he said.

Former President Bill Clinton has always denied ever having a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.

Back in 2002, Clinton flew on Epstein’s private plane after he formed the supposedly not-for-profit organization, The Clinton Foundation, which is the avenue through which it is believed he connected with the financier.

“Jeffrey is both a highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first-century science,” Clinton said in New York magazine back in 2002.

“Clinton’s spokesman, Angel Ureña, said that the former POTUS took ‘four trips’ on Epstein’s plane between 2002 and 2003. Later, flight records published by Gawker in 2015 suggested that Bill Clinton took at least a dozen separate flights on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane,” Infowars noted.

It’s also been revealed that Epstein actually visited Clinton at the White House 17 times between 1993 and 1995, as noted by visitor logs cited in a story published by the Daily Mail in December of 2021.

“Photos previously published by the Daily Mail showed Clinton being given a massage during his trip to Africa by Chauntae Davies, a flight attendant who claims she was raped by Jeffrey Epstein,” the Infowars report continued.

There have also been multiple reports that claim the former president visited Epstein’s private island located in the Caribbean. One of the alleged victims of Epstein, Virginia Giuffre, who has filed a lawsuit against Prince Andrew for alleged sexual abuse, stated during a deposition from 2011 that Clinton visited Little St. James, arriving with “two young girls” from New York.

“I remember asking Jeffrey, what’s Bill Clinton doing here, kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said ‘well he owes me a favor,’” she was cited as saying during that time.

Of course, spokesmen for the former president have vehemently denied all of these allegations.

Back in July of 2019, Clinton’s office released a statement right after Epstein was discovered dead in jail that the ex-POTUS “knows nothing about the terrible crimes” that Epstein was accused of, going on to say that Clinton had not spoken with him in more than a decade.

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