(Tea Party PAC) – Folks who took to social media during Christmas might have noticed a very popular and widely-shared video of some very enthusiastic nurses singing during a White House Christmas celebration that will either make your Grinchy heart grow three sizes or make you cringe.
According to The Western Journal, the performance, which had garnered over 6.8 million views by the middle of the day on Christmas Eve, was delivered by the Northwell Health Nurse Choir, which hails from Long Island, New York, and was all part of the “Spirit of the Season” television special filmed at the White House.
The folks over at Newsweek have stated in a report that the 17-member group of nurses first came to fame by competing on “America’s Got Talent” this year, where they managed to earn a spot on the show’s finale.
The group of nurses then performed “We Need a Little Christmas” from the popular Broadway musical “Mame” for a clearly pleased First Lady Jill Biden and for millions of viewers tuning in on social media, many of whom sent messages praising the choir for their performance.
I’ve watched this video of maskless nurses singing to maskless Jill Biden like 20 times bc I am making my brain porridge on purpose pic.twitter.com/EOqIS1UEjD
— worms cited (@christapeterso) December 26, 2021
But it seems there’s a rather disturbing backstory to this group of singing nurses.
“As they bask in the limelight and enjoy celebrity status, over 1,000 of their coworkers will be celebrating the holiday with no job and, in many cases, an uncertain future ahead of them,” the report from WJ said.
“This is because their former coworkers at Northwell Health who refused to get the vaccine were fired earlier this year. These singing nurses are among those who complied to keep their jobs,” the report continued.
“In October, Northwell Health, which is New York State’s largest health care provider, fired 1,400 employees over their refusal to comply with the state’s strict vaccine mandate for employees of health care facilities, as The New York Times reported at the time,” WJ stated.
Earlier in the month, the Supreme Court allowed Gov. Kathy Hochul’s vaccine mandate, which does not allow for any sort of religious exemptions or regular COVID testing as an alternative to taking the jab, to remain in place, which has left thousands of healthcare workers across the whole state potentially facing unemployment. If they haven’t already been fired, that is.
They are taking these steps despite the fact there are massive shortages of workers in hospitals. In fact, the shortage is so horrible that Hochul had to declare a state of emergency back in September, which then enabled her to pull assistance into hospitals from the National Guard.
“Other states are facing health care staffing shortages as well, as omicron spreads and public health officials issue dire warnings, so others on Twitter also took a cynical view of the singing nurses in light of the Biden administration’s heavy-handed approach to pandemic vaccine mandates and public health advisories,” the report continued.
Nothing says “DEADLY PANDEMIC – HOSPITALS OVERWHELMED, LOCK IT ALL DOWN!” quite like the cringe nurse choir taking time to learn a song and dance and perform at the White House for their regime masters.
Straight out of North Korea pic.twitter.com/raG7r4Pl1v
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 23, 2021
The mainstream media has constantly beaten us over the head with a narrative that states healthcare workers are heroes. And they do indeed deserve all of the praise and recognition they get for the dedication and care they put into helping folks during this time.
But yet, that narrative disappears as soon as thousands of them refuse to take the COVID vaccine in order to stay on the job. Now these nurses and doctors, who we have been told over and over again are indispensable, have suddenly become disposable.
With all of the shortages in staff at these hospitals, how in the world do the nurses from Northwell Health have time to do a televised Christmas special?
“If the virus is so very serious and deadly that it is critical for health care workers to sacrifice their personal consciences or set aside their objections to the COVID-19 vaccine, so dire that the White House is warning the unvaccinated that we are in for a ‘winter of severe illness and death’ and will soon be overwhelming the hospitals, why was the White House so disinterested in even public continuity behind their masking regulations that neither First Lady Dr. Jill Biden nor all of the singers bothered to be masked?” the report goes on to ask.
What’s disturbing is how the media is building up this choir, which is full of individuals who bowed their knee to the government’s vaccine mandate, and the fact the White House itself does not seem to care about the colleagues of this group who are now out of work and having a hard time paying the bills.
This is beyond wrong.
Copyright 2021. TeaPartyPac.org
This is working just the way they want. Need Healthcare bring in the national guard, defund the police so they can bring in the military. It all adds up to an attempt to put the military in charge.
Here’s the irony
1) all this is, is damage control with the public as we all see nurses losing their jobs bc they wouldn’t comply with this pathetic administration, didn’t work though, the public isn’t stupid and we all see right thru this pathetic attempt and as far as those nurses doing their little dance SHAME ON YOU as you watch your fellow colleagues get fired from there jobs bc of a personal choice.
2) the kicker, the majority of covid patients are people who have gotten the shot along with the booster.
So take your damage control and dancing nurses a stick it up ur a$$es
Even my daughter said this was uncalled for she works at rush Chicago!
I would like to know where in the Constitution it says the govt has the right to demand the public do anything and if they refuse they are to be fired. Since when does the govt decide whether you have a job or not and the conditions under which you keep a job. That’s what communist countries do. They determine what job you get and keep. Our govt should never have that power over your job without due process. Where the heck are the unions whose members pay out of their paychecks for the unions to protect the workers and go to our law system to protect their members. The supreme court says biden’s mandates concerning health of people are illegal and yet all these businesses are still rushing to push the mandates as biden says instead of following the supreme court who said biden mandate is illegal, if it’s illegal you don’t have to do something illegal..
These who have been fired because they would not take the vaccine are the same ones who risked their lives to take care of the seriously ill before the vaccine was available. They were Heroes now they are considered enemies. The government has too much control.