(PCC)May I ask you an honest question? Why are more and more of our members facing censorship if the PCC and our Patriot members aren’t influencing the media narrative? You heard me right. Emails and social media blogs, MEME postings and other related content are currently disappearing! But it doesn’t stop there.
Get a load of this: When I logged in to the PCC this morning, a devoted member who joined years ago sent me this.
Content adjusted to protect the member’s identity: “Every single share I did this morning came in as an ‘unverified source’! What’s really strange is that it didn’t initially appear that way. The changes occurred once they had already reached my inbox.”
OBTW, this happened not on the PCC, but in the public domain and the inbox was under control of a freedom crushing authority….wonder who?
In an era where digital communication dominates public discourse, the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment is facing unprecedented challenges. Conservative voices are increasingly finding their messages labeled as “disinformation and unverified source’,” censored, or relegated to the spam folders of the digital world. Often justified under the guise of preventing the spread of harmful content, this trend poses a significant threat to the democratic principles that founded the United States.
The weaponization of “disinformation and unverified source’ is about to accelerate!
The terms “disinformation and unverified source’ have become a powerful tool for silencing dissent. Government officials and their allies in the private sector have employed these labels to suppress information that challenges the prevailing narratives.
This is not the first time; remember this from a few months ago: This practice has been particularly evident in the actions of the Biden administration, as highlighted by the House Judiciary Committee. The committee uncovered emails showing that the administration pressured Amazon to censor books that contradicted its policies on COVID-19 vaccines. This revelation is part of a broader pattern of censorship, where the White House exerted influence over major tech companies to control public discourse.
Ironically, Kamala Harris, a.k.a. Barack Obama, is now leading the Left’s Double Standard on Censorship; while accusing conservatives of publishing disinformation and unverified statements, the Left has been at the forefront of censoring ideas it finds threatening. This is not a mere defense against misinformation; it is an aggressive campaign to eliminate competing viewpoints.
Let’s not forget this is not just the Left Democrats, but the Big Fat Mean Government! The entanglement of government agencies with Big Tech companies raises serious concerns about the preservation of free speech.
Remember the 2020 election? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in collaboration with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and Stanford University, pressured social media platforms to censor “undesirable” content. This partnership, which operated under the pretext of preventing misinformation, disproportionately targeted conservative voices. Republicans and conservatives often mislabeled true information as misinformation, while Democrats received little scrutiny for their false claims.
Beyond government influence, private sector operatives have also played a significant role in censoring conservative content. The EIP, funded by federal grants, actively flagged social media accounts and posts from conservative influencers. The group identified over 4,800 URLs shared more than 22 million times on Twitter during the 2020 election cycle. Notable figures such as Robby Starbuck, Donald Trump Jr., and other conservative voices found their reach limited by this coordinated effort. Furthermore, it appears history is repeating itself!
Democracy in the hands of the enlightened, progressive, and evolved liberal masters has de-evolved into a neanderthal caveman approach to totalitarianism, where no free speech is allowed without approval from the biggest thug with the biggest club!
The suppression of conservative voices under the pretext of combating disinformation is a grave threat to democracy. The government’s use of its coercive powers to silence opposition undermines the constitutional right to free speech. Moreover, the cynical use of disinformation claims erodes public trust, leading people to doubt even legitimate information. This situation is not only unfair but also dangerous, as it creates a chilling effect where individuals may fear expressing their opinions.
Final Word: The false claim of protecting democracy is hollow and empty, yielding the opposite effect of producing word slaves, vernacular tyrants, and freedom-suppressing attacks on what we hold dear—the pure freedom of speech.