DISCOVERED! Mother Lode of Vast Hidden Cash Horde: Guess Whose Money It Is!

(PCC)An underground river of hidden dollars has been flowing through a labyrinth of secret accounts without names, serial numbers, or accounting being hidden for...

Throwing Jesus Under the Bus

(PCC)In the name of fairness and tolerance, many churches, temples, and religious organizations are removing the story of Jesus from their liturgy, effectively escorting...

INTEL: Deep Swamp Hopes Trump’s Luck Runs Out

(PCC)Caution: I am about to share some intel that could shatter the fabric of our great nation and possibly lead to an outright civil...

ALERT: Are You A Victim of the Great American Tax Rip-Off!

(PCC)Remember when you didn't take that vacation or paid your utilities on time because the government expected more than a pound of flesh from...

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Should Politicians Face Jail Time For Malpractice?

(PCC)This could open Pandora’s Box and let untold lawfare loose, but on the other hand, when We the People hire a person to do...

It’s official! California Named Third World State

(PCC)In less than one week, the California homeless population grew by over 68,000 men, women, and children. They are destitute without clean water, food,...

WARNING: Video – All California Members, Brace Yourself! Illegal Alien Hordes Swarming In! Is the Conflict in California the New Ukraine?

(PCC)Defunded police and fire departments, water shortages, and homeless homeowners living on the streets is the perfect storm for an Illegal Alien Invasion…..and it’s...

Illegal aliens starting fires? But they only came here to work!

(PCC)Did a Biden Illegal with a blowtorch start these deadly fires?  Law enforcement's investigation into Mexican national , a "person of interest," highlights the...

OMG! Kamala Throws ‘Word Salad’ at California Fire Victims

(PCC)You won’t believe this one! Critics have labeled Vice President Kamala Harris' response to the victims of devastating Southern California wildfires as a "word...

Cheap Shot! Kamala Harris blocks J.D. Vance access to VP Residence

(PCC)Will J.D. Vance, his wife, and children to become homeless in Washington? Will Vice President J.D. Vance and his family be forced to sleep...

WHAT! Los Angeles Blocks Homeowners from Salvaging Belongings and Blocking Volunteers

(PCC)You've guessed It! The Dem-run city’s ‘Red Tape Anti-Freedom Laws’ are blocking homeowners and citizen volunteers from recovering the little they have left on...

Shock Video: Biden Handler Caught On Hot Mic Giving Instructions To Joe

(Tea Party PAC) - Joe Biden continues to embarrass himself and the US right...

HELP ME! You Won’t Believe What Just Happened To My Vote! OMG!

(PCC)Could you please help me understanding what just happened? As many of you know, I live in Newport Beach, Orange County, California, a strongly...

UPDATE: Coming Domestic IRS War Looms!

(PCC)Can you believe it? Progressives are still pushing for armed IRS audits notwithstanding defunding threats! Progressive combatants of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) armed...

You Helped Break This Story! Our Friend Picked It Up! Good Job!

(PCC)ALERT: Our Patriot Research Team uncovered this rumor and did a deep dive only to discover we were right all along! OMG! Think I’m joking?...

CBS Hatred Is Coming Back To Haunt Them!

(PCC)“Whatever you sow, you shall reap!” That’s a big ‘yikes’ for CBS, as it appears they are going to reap a big whirlwind! The...

BREAKING: Biden Denies Citizen Help But Aids Foreign War

(PCC)North Carolina Citizens Are Still Without Help, But Biden Forgives Ukraine Debt and Demands Billions More! Biden and the Democrat Party have ignored the...

Horrible Plan to Stop Trump… You won’t believe it, but you better get ready!

(PCC)Are the desperate Dems cooking up a ‘Final Solution’ for President Trump and his Cabinet? G*d, I hope not! Remember Covid-19? Now America sees...

Obama Dumps Sh*t On Biden! And The Swamp Is Stinking!

(PCC)Sleepy Joe has done it this time! With Hunters pardon Joe Biden has scorched the Democrat Party and his ole’ buddy Mr. Obama! ‘Obama...

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Tea Party Political Action Committee is registered with the Federal Election Commission as an independent-expenditure only committee, also known as a Super PAC. We do not make contributions to any candidate or parties; however, we are engaged in unlimited political expenditures independent of any campaign. We can raise funds from individuals, corporations, unions, and other groups without any legal limit on donation size.

From the founding of the Tea Party in 1773 a growing movement of conservative Americans echo the call for smaller government and lower taxes. This is our banner and our calling as well. Just as the Tea Party in the formation of American dared to defy the greatest military might on earth so today we defy the oligarchy of the elitist bureaucrats and their socialist agenda.

Needless to say, today’s Tea Party Movement has grown far beyond marching down Pennsylvania avenue with cardboard signs and Washington rallies and into a powerhouse of voting grassroots patriots.