Americans Erupt Over BLM’s Potentially Greatest Scandal

(Tea Party PAC) – Black Lives Matter is in hot water. The California Department of Justice has threatened to hold the Marxist organization’s leaders personally liable if they do not produce required financial reports within the next two months.

The Washington Examiner reports that the so-called “charity” organization has a bankroll of about $60 million, however, it failed to turn in required annual financial reports that are required of tax-exempt organizations.

“The organization BLACK LIVES MATTER GLOBAL NETWORK FOUNDATION, INC. is delinquent with The Registry of Charitable Trusts for failing to submit required annual report(s),” the Jan. 31 letter said.

According to the Examiner, BLM has yet to submit its 2020 Form 990, the required document for charities that claim to be exempt from income tax, along with other financial documents.

The letter asserts that BLM will be prohibited from “soliciting or disbursing charitable funds” until it produces the necessary forms.

In addition, the letter also states that if they fail to hand over the reports within 60 days the California Registry of Charitable Trusts will revoke BLM’s tax-exempt status and impose fines for “each month or partial month for which the report(s) are delinquent.”

“Directors, trustees, officers and return preparers responsible for failure to timely file the above-described report(s) are personally liable for payment of all penalties, interest and other costs incurred to restore exempt status.”

California isn’t the only state raising concerns about the financial ongoings of BLM. The state of Washington has ordered BLM to “immediately cease” fundraising as per a Jan. 5 letter, according to a separate article by the Examiner.

According to that report, Washington state has also informed BLM that they could begin facing fines of up to $2,000 for every donation solicited or received.

It won’t come as a surprise that, as of Monday, BLM has ignored the order and has continued accepting donations.

Also unsurprising, BLM has been out of compliance with charity registration requirements in a number of states including Maryland, Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Virginia.

CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron described BLM as being “like a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction,” according to the Examiner.

Is this just a case of really bad bookkeeping or is there something more nefarious going on here? We’d put our money on the latter and so would Lavern Spicer, a Florida Republican running for a seat in the US House of Representatives.

Spicer contends that the organization is purposefully avoiding transparency in order to hide where the donations are really going.

“Black lives DON’T matter to Black Lives Matter, that’s why none of the $30 million they raised ever went to help any part of the black community,” Spicer tweeted.

On top of BLM clear financial issues, the organization currently does not even have a leader. Co-founder Patrisse Cullors (pictured at top) resigned in May 2021 after accomplishing her rise to the upper echelons of society.

Cullors named two fellow activists to take over the executive director position but neither ended up taking on the role after apparent disagreements with BLM.

Interestingly, Cullors’ resignation was tied, at least in part, to the organization’s shady finances. According to a New York Post report from April 2021, Cullors bought four luxurious homes during her time leading the corrupt organization.

Among the properties she purchased is a $1.4 million house near Malibu, California and a “custom ranch” on a 3.2 acre plot in Georgia which also boasts an airplane hangar and swimming pool. Cullors used her success from BLM to get as far away from black communities as she possibly could.

Cullors has been criticized by other activists in similar organizations such as the leader of the separate group Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, Hank Newsome.

Newsome slammed Cullors saying, “If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes,” he said. “It’s really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it’s the people that carry this movement.”

None of this should come as a surprise if you’ve been paying attention and understand what BLM really is. The organization is a political party rooted in Marxism whose goal and sole purpose is to sow discord and division within the US by fanning the flames of so-called inequality and racism.

America would benefit greatly if BLM was shut down for good.

Copyright 2022.


  1. Well Sandra, please, please let’s not forget or leave out, “murder” to go along with Corruption, Deceit & Exploitation, come-on let’s try and focus, shall we? One look at these negrooooos any white men can easily acknowledge and understand why these BLM Activists are criminal thugs. Their game is, yell, scream in your face, threaten you in an outlandish manor that tries to intimidate you into getting away from them, as far as you can or they’ll hurt you really bad, yata, yata, yata. They are all phony gangsters who try their best to make you afraid of them, its a phony act, because they are all cowardly little babies who cry momma if you hit them in the face. I was a U.S. Marine Brig Guard, they all tried that crap 30 years ago when they were “Black Militants” or “Black Panthers”, what a joke. First, he’d scream his black head off, his tongue was actually black and if I remember correctly so were his teeth; so I’d punch one it the head, he’d fall down crying like a lil baby, (Poor lil thing) and beg for mercy, Oh mist man Please stop hitting me I’ll do anything you say Sgt. Hahahaha As they are all full of black shit, I used to enjoy beating them, we all did, even the Black Marine Correction Guards, we’d all punch em until they passed out. Hahahahahahahha Once we got their attention, they stopped acting bad and began acting like a normal man, but it took a lot to get their attention, but I didn’t mind, I just wore gloves (black leather), which I thought was appropriate for the situation.

  2. Corruption, deceit and exploitation is just the beginning, next comes outright murder, because it is sure to follow as a typical black ploy to further their victimhood and oppression of white folks over blacks. No thinking white man could possibly believe, or even imagine, the black race is any type or form of human being, this example of BLM is nothing but one more perfect example that these animals are just cannibals that eat their own! Exactly how bright is it for any company CEO, let alone a CEO of a Charity, to buy two (2), million dollar homes for themselves, to buy them with other peoples money who donated to a charity to help other people not themselves, I ask you how smart is that? They don’t know they’ll go to prison for fraud for that sort of thing; they don’t know that is illegal or morally wrong to steal money from a Charity? Come on even blacks aren’t that stupid except for possibly BLM Blacks, or real African Neeeegggggrrrrroooo’s.

  3. Hey everybody let’s go steal…loot and burn down these properties…you know eye for an eye type stuff!!!

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