Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter Given ‘Distinguished Visitor Suite’ At Joint Base Andrews

(Tea Party PAC) – The Democrats have been telling us for two years that there were 5 police officers allegedly murdered during the Jan. 6 incursion at the Capitol but it’s simply not true. Not only were no police officers slain that day (no one has been charged with murder) but the only actual homicide was committed by a Capitol Police Officer against unarmed Trump-supporter and veteran Ashli Babbitt.

Babbitt’s killer, Michael Byrd, has never been charged with murder and Democrats have treated him like a hero, which he legitimately is to them. Now a new report from government watchdog Judicial Watch reveals that Byrd was given the “Distinguished Visitor Suite” at Joint Base Andrews to live in.

For murdering a political dissident of the left, Byrd gets the royal treatment. It’s disturbing but not shocking.

The worst part is we, the taxpayers, got to foot the bill for Byrd and “his pet” to live in the suite for several months, which costs thousands of dollars.

Judicial Watch had to fight using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain 31 pages of documents from the Air Force showing Byrds accommodations were at “taxpayer expense.”

“Judicial Watch obtained the records in response to a September 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after Joint Base Andrews, the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department, and the FBI failed to respond to three July 2022 FOIA requests about Byrd’s housing at Joint Base Andrews while his name as the shooter of Ashli Babbitt was being withheld from the public by the government” the government oversight group revealed.

“The documents show that Lieutenant Byrd and a pet stayed in a ‘Distinguished Visitor Suite’ at the ‘Presidential Inn’ (part of Air Force Inns) under a ‘Capitol Police Presidential Inn Reservation’ for the period July 8, 2021, through January 28, 2022,” the report detailed.

“A representative at Joint Base Andrews informed us that a ‘Distinguished Visitor Suite’ is typically reserved for officers at the rank of O-7 (Brigadier general or higher),” Judicial Watch explained, adding, “The records and an email dated November 15, 2021, indicate the cost of Lt. Byrd’s lodging fluctuated: from $161 in July 2021, to $158 for August 2021, to $184 for September 2021, to $185 for October 2021, and to $165 for November 2021.”

Ashli Babbitt was the only person at the US Capitol who was murdered on Jan. 6, 2021, and Judicial Watch says audio, visual and photographic records they obtained confirm it.

“We previously uncovered records from the DC Metropolitan Police showing that officers reported they didn’t see a weapon in Babbitt’s hand before Byrd shot her and that Byrd was visibly distraught afterward. One officer attested that he didn’t recall hearing any verbal commands before Byrd shot Babbitt. The records include internal communications about Byrd’s case and a crime scene examination report. Investigators who wrote the January 6, 2021, for Babbitt (identified as Ashli Elizabeth McEntee-Babbitt Pamatian) note that the possible Manner of Death was ‘Homicide (Police Involved Shooting),” the group noted.

The evidence is clear; Ashli Babbitt was murdered by Byrd and the Washington Swamp has covered it up and even rewarded her murderer. The left is still working hard to suppress the facts regarding Babbitt’s death and that’s why Capitol Police arrested her mother, Micki Mitthoeft, on Friday, the two-year anniversary of the Jan. 6 events.

Mitthoeft was attempting to hold a ceremony in remembrance and honor of her daughter when Capitol Police arrested her for allegedly blocking traffic and not obeying an order.

An article shared by The Gateway Pundit explained, “Micki Witthoeft was part of a group of protesters walking westbound on Independence Avenue between the Capitol and House office buildings. A trailing police officer in a marked car tried to order the protesters to move to the sidewalk away from the Capitol. The protesters ignored the warning and continued marching, with Witthoeft on the outside in the middle of a traffic lane.”

It continued, “Capitol Police set up a roadblock and ordered the protesters to cross the street to the sidewalk or be arrested. After an officer shoulder checked Witthoeft when she tried to move past him, Witthoeft turned her back to the officers and offered to be arrested.”

As one Twitter user commented, Ashli’s mother was “lucky” she didn’t end up getting shot and killed too.

Copyright 2023.


  1. We looking for real justices for Ashli , I believe President Trump is doing it with new house speaker Kevin McCARTHY busily to the next subjects to questioning Capital police FBI and DOJ misconduct !?

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