(PCC)Just about the time you think the left can’t get any wackier, they have rewarded a convicted homeless cannibal with freedom to roam the neighborhood! OMG!
Let’s face it. Connecticut’s alarming endorsement of cannibalism is a dangerous precedent in justice!
In a decision that has left many questioning the moral and legal compass of Connecticut’s justice system, a man who brutally murdered a homeless individual and consumed parts of his body has been granted conditional release. Tyree Smith, a convicted cannibal, was found not guilty by reason of insanity in 2013 and committed to Connecticut Valley Hospital for psychiatric treatment.
But wait! A decade later, the state’s Psychiatric Security Review Board has determined he is fit for supervised release, setting a chilling precedent that seems to equate cannibalism with simply a treatable mental disorder rather than a heinous crime demanding lifelong accountability.
The Cannibal went from murderer to ‘A Joy’! Does anyone find this odd? Smith’s actions in 2011 were not just another crime; they were an act of unparalleled brutality.
He killed 43-year-old Angel Gonzalez with an axe, then proceeded to extract and eat parts of his brain, an eye, and other organs in a cemetery. Despite the extreme horror of this crime, Connecticut has responded by classifying Smith as a victim of mental illness rather than a perpetrator of an unspeakable act.
What’s more disturbing is how the system now describes Mr. Smith the Joyful Cannibal. According to forensic psychiatrist Caren Teitelbaum, Smith has been rehabilitated to the point of being “a joy” and a “calming presence” for other patients. This sanitized portrayal completely disregards the victim’s family, who are left to grapple with the terror of knowing that the man who devoured their loved one is being given a pathway back into society.
Connecticut’s decision raises troubling concerns about the state’s approach to justice and public safety. By treating cannibalism as merely a symptom of schizophrenia that can be medicated away, the state is setting a precedent that violent crimes—no matter how depraved—can be excused through a mental health diagnosis.
This decision has sparked outrage, particularly among Republican lawmakers in the state. State Sen. Paul Cicarella did not mince words when he stated, “Murder and cannibalism and release in the same sentence. That’s a problem.” His concerns are echoed by other GOP lawmakers, who rightfully question why the justice system appears more focused on reintegrating a murderer into society rather than ensuring the safety of its citizens.
Even more disturbingly, Gonzalez’s own family members pleaded for Mr. Smith the joyful cannibal to remain confined, arguing that there’s no real way to ensure he won’t act on his violent impulses again. However, their pleas have been ignored. The implications of this case extend far beyond Mr. Smith the joyful cannibal himself. If Connecticut is willing to grant conditional release to a man who literally ate another human being, what’s next? Will Connecticut grant similar leniency to other violent offenders under the guise of mental illness treatment?
This decision reveals an unsettling truth about the priorities of some blue-state governments: the focus has shifted away from justice for victims and toward rehabilitation of even the most dangerous criminals. Connecticut has essentially reduced one of the most grotesque crimes imaginable to a medical condition that can be “managed” with simply the right treatment.
Final Word: Honestly, do you really think ‘Cannibal to Joy’ is a bit of a reach? Isn’t it reckless to dismiss cannibalism as a mere mental disorder?
The big question is, would you invite Mr. Smith the joyful cannibal, to dinner, or what if he invites you to dinner? YIKES! 😱