(Tea Party PAC) – Democrats are desperate to take total and complete control of the US and everyone in it. That’s why they will stop at nothing to ensure they win US elections fairly or otherwise.
Despite the fact that many states are mostly red except for the blue, heavily-populated urban areas, Democrats continue to win in places like Oregon, giving them the ability to push radical policies on everyone in the state.
In Oregon, however, several sheriffs are pushing back on the state’s new unconstitutional gun law which places a limit on magazine capacity. The sheriffs assert that the policy violates the Second Amendment of the US constitution.
Oregon voters approved Measure 114, the “Reduction of Gun Violence Act,” on November 8, during the midterm elections but that doesn’t mean that all Oregonians are on board with the policy.
The Epoch Times reports, “The rule, among other restrictions, outlaws magazines that hold more than 10 rounds—similar to rules that have been implemented in New York, California, and other Democrat-controlled states.”
While these types of measures might be popular in deep blue parts of the state, like Portland, they certainly aren’t popular in rural Oregon, which makes up the vast majority of the state.
The sheriffs of these counties have publicly declared they have no plans to enforce the law or parts of the law.
“The biggest thing is this does absolutely nothing to address the problem,” Sheriff Cody Bowen of Union County told Fox News on Tuesday. “The problem that we have is not… magazine capacity. It’s not background checks. It’s a problem with mental health awareness. It’s a problem with behavior health illness.”
Bowen added that “society as a whole is a bigger problem rather than saying that, you know, the guns are killing people.”
He is certainly not wrong. However, mental health is not a topic Democrats want to touch. They are not prepared to deal with the implications of that conversation, which would shine a glaring light right on their incompetent leader Joe Biden, among several others within their own party.
Instead, it’s much easier and helpful for their agenda to blame guns for gun violence committed by sick people.
“There’s just no way possible for us to enforce that and nor would I simply because it’s an infringement on our Second Amendment, you know, our right to keep and bear arms,” he said, adding that it won’t reduce shootings in the state.
Malheur County Sheriff Brian Wolfe stated that he won’t enforce the magazine limit.
“I don’t think this is superseding anything. I don’t believe that I am superseding state law by not enforcing it. Anybody in law enforcement, including the state police, including the governor, has to pick and choose what laws they are going to be able to enforce,” he told local media.
Linn County Sheriff Michelle Duncan wrote on Nov. 9 in a Facebook post that she wants “to send a clear message to Linn County residents that the Linn County Sheriff’s Office is NOT going to be enforcing magazine capacity limits.”
“This measure is poorly written and there is still a lot that needs to be sorted out regarding the permitting process, who has to do the training and what exactly does the training have to cover,” Duncan said, writing that the measure should face an “immediate lawsuit.”
As you can imagine, the majority of the voters who favored the gun-control measure reside in only a few counties in the state. An analysis conducted showed that only six Oregon counties, out of 36, voted to approve the measure.
The Epoch Times noted, “The counties that had a majority of voters who voted in favor of it were located in and around Portland, the state’s largest city; the county that includes Eugene; the county that includes the city of Corvallis, the home of Oregon State University; and Lincoln County, located on the coast.”
Of course, places where all the state’s liberals reside.
While the country uses an electoral college for presidential elections, the states use majority rule and it’s turned into mob rule very quickly.
We need more Americans standing up against the left’s radical agenda before it’s too late.
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