(Tea Party PAC) – According to a brand new report from WND, a gun-rights organization has now accused the federal government, through the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, of putting together an “illegal gun registry,” one that specifically is a “digital, searchable, centralized registry of guns and gun owners in violation of various federal prohibitions.”
This could not come at a better time as the gun grabbers are now out in force after a tragic and horrifying shooting at an elementary school in the state of Texas. We need to be fighting harder than ever against these individuals to maintain our right to own a weapon for self-defense and for the protection of our liberty.
A report from Fox News is where the story concerning the work being done by the Gun Owners of America first started to circulate. The group “blasted the ATF” over the “gun registry.”
The accusation made by the Gun Owners of America, known from here on out as the GOA, came in comments on plans from the federal government to adopt a rule that would demand federal firearms licensees to keep purchase records forever.
The group stated, “In November of 2021, an internal ATF memo leaked by Gun Owners of America revealed that ATF had processed and digitized over 50,000,000 ‘out of business’ records of gun dealers in FY 2021. This report was picked up by major pundits and news outlets, including Fox News’ Tucker Carlson and the Blaze.”
The report continued, “ATF has reached a point where it has converted nearly one billion records (required to be kept by FFLs) into a single, centralized, and searchable national gun registry, that is routinely searched by multiple data fields (except, reportedly, by gun owner name).”
“While ATF and others maintain this does not constitute a gun registry, and that all relevant statutes and restrictions are being adhered to, the information referenced in this section, revealed in a FOIA response by ATF to Gun Owners of America, proves otherwise. ATF maintains only that registry records in their final file format are not searchable by name,” the report added.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican, has now proposed “the No REGISTRY Rights Act to require the ATF to delete all of their existing transaction records before they can be used against law-abiding Americans.”
The GOA went on to reveal that the records in possession of the ATF are digitized and consolidated and are fully searchable, including searches done by name.
The report then said that the search by name is a function in the software that was disabled, but can be easily re-engaged.
“Federal law previously ordered federally licensed gun stores to hold onto purchase records for a minimum of 20 years. The change means those records have to be kept indefinitely, and given to the government when the businesses close down,” WND reported.
“Fox reported GOA spokesman Aiden Johnston explained the report is proof that the Biden administration is creating a backdoor for federal gun registration requirements,” WND said.
“After years of ATF and the Biden administration telling Americans that there is no national gun registry, we have proof that shows that Biden’s ATF is openly doing just that by illegally obtaining and compiling a complete record of all firearm purchases,” Johnston stated as a clear warning. “These actions are not only an abuse of power, but explicitly violate several federal laws.”
For example, the Firearms Owners’ Protection Act places a specific ban on “any rule or regulation” that requires records to be handed over to the government.
The plan developed by Cruz would insist that the ATF destroy any existing firearm purchase records that are currently in its possession. Dealers that are closing up shop would then have to destroy the records.
“We cannot allow Joe Biden and the radical leftists in his administration to establish a permanent gun registry they can use to target Americans they see as their opponents for exercising their Second Amendment rights,” the Texas senator said.
The right to own a firearm is about more than protecting your home from burglars and criminals that want to do you and your family harm, though it is certainly not about less. It’s about possessing the means to defend ourselves against a tyrannical government attempting to oppress the citizenry of this country.
Some might say that we won’t have access to the kind of weapons the military has and thus, it’s pointless to use this as a reason to keep the Second Amendment alive. These individuals miss the point. Having the right to own guns enables us to at least have a fighting chance to preserve our freedom should the worst case scenario become a reality.
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