BREAKING: Another Nation Ends COVID Restrictions

(Tea Party PAC) – The COVID pandemic never should have reached the heights of epic absurdity and overreaction that it did. The two weeks to “flatten the curve” has turned into never-ending restrictions and mandates for much of the civilized world.

Fortunately, it looks like several countries are beginning to close the door on the endless COVID saga.

The latest country to signal the end is Denmark. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced that beginning on Feb 1. mask restrictions on public transportation, in restaurants, in shops and other indoor facilities will be lifted.

“We say goodbye to the restrictions and welcome the life we knew before,” Frederiksen said. “As of Feb. 1, Denmark will be open.”

The dramatic change is taking place despite the country still experiencing relatively high case numbers. Just recently the European nation had 46,000 new cases daily on average, however, only 40 people were in hospital intensive care units.

“We continue with a strong epidemic surveillance,” Health Minister Magnus Heunicke said, “Then we… can react quickly if necessary.”

Frederiksen acknowledged it “may seem strange that we want to remove restrictions given the high infection rates,” “But fewer people become seriously ill,” he explained.

In other words, COVID is exactly the virus we thought it was; no worse than the seasonal flu. The Draconian restrictions and rules are no longer justifiable and countries all around Europe are finally starting to admit that.

Last week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced England would be doing away with vaccine passports, mask mandates and work-from-home guidance after the models upon which he had based his policies were found to be “wildly incorrect.”

In regards to masks, Johnson said that it’s time to “trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalize anyone who chooses not to wear one.”

Last Saturday, Ireland eliminated almost all COVID restrictions, the Netherlands has also relaxed many of their policies as well. Sweden, Norway and Finland announced this week that they too will be easing restrictions in coming days and weeks.

Ingvild Kjerkol, Norway’s health minister, told TV2 that the Scandinavian nation can “tolerate more cases now, so then it is natural to look at easing restrictions, and that is what we are doing.”

“This means we can live with a higher infection rate in society without the health system blowing up,” she said.

Last Thursday, French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced a timetable for lifting COVID restrictions. The French people will soon be able to attend outdoor events without a mask and nightclubs and stadiums will be allowed to re-open. He also said the vaccine passport could also come to an end if the situation continues to improve.

There is just no reason to continue living in fear of the COVID-19 virus. Even at the peak of the pandemic, survival rates proved to be over 98% among healthy adults while children are at virtually no risk of complications or death.

Not all countries are looking to end the COVID craze. On Feb. 1. Austria will become the first country in the world to make it illegal to be unvaccinated. The government has ordered bars, cafes, and restaurants to close at 11 pm and workers are advised to work from home when possible.

ABC News reported that Austrian police will begin doing routine checks on the vaccination status of citizens and issue fines of up to 600 euros ($685) to people who cannot provide proof of the jab.

Which direction will the US go? Will our government finally admit that we can live with COVID just like we lived with the flu for decades? Or will we follow Austria’s example and continue to legislate medical tyranny?

With the Biden regime at the helm it’s hard to be optimistic.

Copyright 2022.


  1. If Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the UK are stopping the vaccine and mask mandates and France is considering it, then it’s time for the United States to do the same. Biden’s puppeteer most likely won’t let him because the Dems want to show how they can control all of us and keep us under their rule with vaccine passports, and mandates on vaccines and masks. I wish somebody would do an investigation on how many Democrats, including Pelosi, Schumer and Fauci, have invested in pharmaceutical companies that are making the vaccines and made a fortune over the last year. That’s why they keep pushing for vaccines, boosters, and then more vaccines and boosters. They’re all getting richer by the day.

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