(Tea Party PAC) – The US federal government has done everything in their power to keep up the COVID pandemic narrative all for the sake of pushing the experimental COVID vaccines on us all.
There are, no doubt, many on the left that know the entire thing has been nothing more than a propaganda-created charade, though you have to wonder how many Democrats in Congress actually believe that COVID has been a legitimate pandemic in the US.
Perhaps 49-year-old US Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) is one such individual. When you look at his social media posts it would certainly appear as though Luján has bought into the COVID narrative whole-heartedly and actually believes that 800,000 Americans have been killed by the mostly benign virus.
Like any good Democrat, Luján did his duty and got the COVID shots. Now, his office announced in a statement Tuesday that he is recovering after suffering a stroke last week.
According to the statement, Luján “began experiencing dizziness and fatigue,” last Thursday.
“He checked himself into Christus St. Vincent Regional Hospital in Santa Fe,” the statement informed.
“He was then transferred to UNM Hospital in Albuquerque for further evaluation. Senator Luján was found to have suffered a stroke in the cerebellum, affecting his balance. As part of his treatment plan, he subsequently underwent decompressive surgery to ease swelling.”
49-years-old is awfully young to have a stroke.
Notice how the statement does not say anywhere that the stroke was brought on by the experimental COVID vaccines he’s pumped his body full of. The connection will never be made, at least not out loud, by anyone in Luján’s office or his political party.
Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) issued a statement on Luján’s stroke Tuesday, also making no mention of the vaccines that caused his stroke.
My thoughts are with Senator Ben Ray Luján and his family. I’m so glad to hear that he will make a full recovery. We look forward to his quick return to the Senate. https://t.co/vDSXG6JF72
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) February 1, 2022
We’re not the only ones who believe his stroke was brought on by his inoculation. Many others on social media also made the connection.
So many strokes these days in otherwise healthy people. Is anyone questioning why??
— Diane Thomas (@DDetgolf) February 2, 2022
Make sure your report it thru the VAERs system. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
— Bucko504 (@bucko4aFREEusa) February 1, 2022
Over the last couple years, Luján has used social media to be a vehement advocate for the vaccines as well as the silencing of Americans under the guise of fighting “misinformation.” He’s the epitome of a leftist sycophant.
A post from Dec. 2020 shows Luján receiving his first COVID shot.
As the first New Mexicans receive the coronavirus vaccine, I have a responsibility to lead by example and show my constituents that this vaccine is safe and effective. There is nothing to fear about getting vaccinated to protect yourself from this deadly disease. pic.twitter.com/1rQDJGbhb6
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) December 19, 2020
“As the first New Mexicans receive the coronavirus vaccine, I have a responsibility to lead by example and show my constituents that this vaccine is safe and effective,” he captioned the photo.
“There is nothing to fear about getting vaccinated to protect yourself from this deadly disease,” he added.
He probably would have had better chances maintaining good health getting COVID, which he likely has also had despite being fully vaccinated and boosted since the vaccines don’t do anything to prevent COVID.
Luján does not have any subsequent posts proving he is fully vaccinated and boosted but we can safely assume he has been considering the number of pro-vaccine posts he has posted on social media.
💉More than 230 million vaccine doses have been administered, and more than half of American adults have received at least one dose.
In New Mexico, more than 40% of the population is fully vaccinated!
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) April 28, 2021
Outstanding news that over 1 million New Mexicans are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. This incredible milestone was made possible by the dedicated health care workers who have helped us protect our communities. https://t.co/qkOc6t89OB
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) June 22, 2021
He was also promoting the booster jabs as early as last November along with the typical COVID propaganda:
Great news!
Make sure you and your loved ones are protected this holiday season by getting vaccinated and your booster shots. https://t.co/ZzHGZjCqaL
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) November 22, 2021
As we approach the holidays, I want to extend my prayers to all the families who will have empty chairs at the table this year. I can’t stress how important it is to get vaccinated and boosted. Go to https://t.co/0psY0OB0kz to find an appointment.
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) December 22, 2021
Tonight, I joined my colleagues in a moment of silence for the 800,000 Americans we’ve lost from COVID-19. Please help honor their memory by getting vaccinated and boosted, if you haven’t already. pic.twitter.com/Dfx0hJ71OK
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) December 15, 2021
He has also co-sponsored legislation with radical leftist Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) to suppress free speech on social media by holding Big Tech companies accountable for so-called “misinformation.”
As COVID-19 cases rise among the unvaccinated, so has the amount of misinformation surrounding vaccines on social media. That’s why I’m proud to introduce legislation with @SenAmyKlobuchar to hold these companies accountable.
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) August 4, 2021
Vaccines work. Vaccines save lives.
Let’s give our kids a @ShotAtLife. #WorldImmunizationWeek
— Senator Ben Ray Luján (@SenatorLujan) April 26, 2019
Unfortunately, Luján has become a victim of his own making. We don’t wish ill-will on anybody and we wish the Senator a full recovery. We also hope his experience will make others question the safety of the vaccines before blindly agreeing to receive them.
Just got my first dose of the vaccine. Never been happier to be “old.” Now let’s get these vaccines rolling for everyone!
— Karen Croake Heisler (@KCroakeHeisler) January 13, 2021
Neither John nor I had problems with second Pfizer shot except a sore arm.
— Karen Croake Heisler (@KCroakeHeisler) April 9, 2021
Just received my third Covid vaccine.
— Karen Croake Heisler (@KCroakeHeisler) September 7, 2021
So still waiting to see a doc although they have run tests. Still no room in hospital or in ER bay. PA announcement just said ER could not accept more patients. This is a BIG hospital. Damn the unvaccinated. They have made life hell for a lot of people.
— Karen Croake Heisler (@KCroakeHeisler) September 14, 2021
Welcome to the reality of the Covid crisis in Florida. My cardiologist tried to admit me to the hospital but there are no rooms because of Covid. Had to go ER route. Place is a teaming and the waiting room stretches into hallways. Wait for some is 15 hours. Get the damn vaccine.
— Karen Croake Heisler (@KCroakeHeisler) September 14, 2021
Just heard the horrible news that @KCroakeHeisler passed away. Karen inspired a generation of ND students, including myself. Her Sports & TV class was the highlight of everyone’s week, even when she was berating us for incorrect grammar usage. She will be dearly missed.
— Jessica Smetana (@jessica_smetana) September 20, 2021
This is the worst news I’ve gotten in a long time. Karen might’ve been the best professor I had at Notre Dame. She was instrumental in helping me start my career & remained a good friend & mentor for decades. My heart breaks for @HeislerUCF & their sons. RIP Karen. https://t.co/yIYlrbgk06
— Pete Byrne WSBT (@PeteByrneSports) September 20, 2021
Earlier today, deputies were called to the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes for a call about an unresponsive man in a hotel room. The man was identified as Robert Saget & pronounced deceased on scene. Detectives found no signs of foul play or drug use in this case. #BobSaget pic.twitter.com/aB1UKiOlmi
— Orange County Sheriff's Office (@OrangeCoSheriff) January 10, 2022
I went to the dumbest pharmacist yesterday and asked for my booster and he gave me a child’s seat. I was pissed until I sat at the table and was a foot taller.
— bob saget (@bobsaget) November 29, 2021
It’s so cool Covid is gone due to the vaccine and everyone in Congress all get along. Shit, sorry, I set this to post in 2023. My bad.
— bob saget (@bobsaget) February 7, 2021
Really love TODAY’S NEW EPISODE with the incredible @DrLaPook @CBSNews talking so knowledgeably about vaccine hesitancy and all of the real facts about the vaccine. Here’s another clip. Subscribe & Listen at: https://t.co/izN3LERJFL @ApplePodcasts pic.twitter.com/avEtN5roMR
— bob saget (@bobsaget) May 3, 2021
Please people, I don’t wanna preach, but please get your visine today. Sorry, auto-correct— I meant vaccine… Help save eyes…Sorry, damn this auto-correct! I meant save lives.
— bob saget (@bobsaget) August 9, 2021
I get vaccinated five to six times a day and I feel great!!
— bob saget (@bobsaget) July 31, 2021
I’m seeing videos and tweets from anti-vaxers saying that I developed blood clots from the vaccine. This is ridiculous and completely baseless. For some, it is a cynical and dishonest claim. For others, it’s a lack of understanding of how medicine and science work.
— Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) September 30, 2021
Peter McCullough, MD pic.twitter.com/3IaKhEk8Gq
— Anna Brees (@BreesAnna) May 25, 2021
My Johns Hopkins research team is leading a long-term study of natural immunity because the NIH and CDC are not doing it. They have $50 billion and 30,000 employees and yet can't seen to conduct one of the most important studies we need done to inform the public.
— Marty Makary MD, MPH (@MartyMakary) October 27, 2021
Copyright 2022. TeaPartyPac.org
When will people learn NO vaccine is safe
Does he still think it’s safe,we all know it doesn’t work.
His body his choice….my body my choice….see how it works loon’s!!