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WARNING: Agonizing Death of Lamestream Media

(PCC)Growing up, I would always tune in to learn about world events and listen to thoughtful commentary, but today I have tuned out! What...

The Great American Heist: It’s Not About the Missing Trillions

(PCC)We have been robbed! Our wealth has been siphoned away, and malicious thieves have covered their tracks. Many Americans have felt this growing suspicion...

SHOCKING: Ukrainian Economic Colonization

(PCC)Before you think this is a heartless article about filthy capitalism, keep reading, and you'll change your mind. I deeply sympathize with the impoverished...

Throwing Jesus Under the Bus

(PCC)In the name of fairness and tolerance, many churches, temples, and religious organizations are removing the story of Jesus from their liturgy, effectively escorting...

ALERT: Are You A Victim of the Great American Tax Rip-Off!

(PCC)Remember when you didn't take that vacation or paid your utilities on time because the government expected more than a pound of flesh from...

Brace Yourself! Immigration Tragedy Unfolding

(PCC)Just about the time America thinks the Progressives have learned a few things, they go and throw a monkey into sanity! David Hogg, the...

Demons Lined Up To Torture Trump

WARNING: STOP READING NOW if a theological article about G*d, man, and demonic activities within our government offends you. (PCC)In every era of human history,...

For Sale: Alternative Thinking for Programmable Humans

(PCC)When was the last time you checked your smartphone, spell-check, or your smart refrigerator? Today, the use of computer-aided thinking is increasing the dependence...

Should Politicians Face Jail Time For Malpractice?

(PCC)This could open Pandora’s Box and let untold lawfare loose, but on the other hand, when We the People hire a person to do...

Cheap Shot! Kamala Harris blocks J.D. Vance access to VP Residence

(PCC)Will J.D. Vance, his wife, and children to become homeless in Washington? Will Vice President J.D. Vance and his family be forced to sleep...
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