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Why Aren’t Garbage MAGA Members Obeying?

(PCC)The all-wise climate potentates continue to demand your obedience and are perplexed by your belligerent behavior. Why aren’t you paying for the worlds living expenses?...

Good News! IRS Could Be Downsized For Christmas!

(PCC)If there was ever a nasty mob that needed to be downsized or, dare I say, eliminated, it is the IRS! Get a load...

Wow, You Own A $250,000 Toilet! Who knew?

(PCC)No sh*t! You paid for it with your hard-earned tax dollars in other words your money got flushed! Think this is a joke, then...


(PCC)"How can we teach our children that violence cannot solve their problems, when our government always resorts to violence to solve its problems?" The Democratic...

ALERT: Trump Is NOT A Convicted Felon – Liberals Should Be!

(PCC)From day one, you and I knew Trump was innocent, yet the Liberal Lords insisted on punishing him severely, seeking to isolate him and...

Democrat Dogs Returning To Their Own Vomit

(PCC)As grotesque and unpleasant this example may be the Bible adequately describes how a sick dog returns to the residue of its sickness, so...

Progressives To Punish Families For The Holidays

(PCC)OMG! Progressives are ripping families apart to teach them an abusive lesson for the holidays; what could be worse? The joyous holiday season is...

Democrat Progressives Politically Castrated And Left Impotent

(PCC)They don’t know what hit them. Reeling from the election blowout, they are slowly realizing how politically castrated and impotent they have become, facing...

Dems FEMA Weaponization Turns To Genocide

(PCC)MAGA members have been denied life saving supplies simply because they believe America can be great again!  Rep. Luna Calls FEMA's Response "Weaponized" and...

You were warned! Here It Comes!

(PCC)The national Temper Tantrum has started, and it’s not going to be pretty! Brace yourself; burning, looting, and deaths will mark the tolerant, enlightened,...
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