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Kamala Harris Promises To Unleash IRS Audit Army On America

(PCC)This is not a joke! How is Kamala going to deploy the 87,000 new IRS agents and the army of existing agents on America...

Shocking! Male Traditional Sexuality Soon Extinct

(PCC)"Toxic", "Neanderthal", "breeder", and "bourgeois pig" typically refer to males, unless they are homosexual, in which case they are considered enlightened, progressive, and evolved....

Is Trump A ‘Dead Man Walking? I hope not! (Video Proof)

Desperate Dems Doing This? A congressman has revealed that a whistleblower has claimed that there are five assassination teams targeting President Trump. Congressman Matt Gaetz,...

America Under Serious Threat

(PCC)The late great America has no one but itself to blame for a chaotic world. Few are trying to fix the broken American moral...

The Screwing of America!

The working-class rip-off has just begun! A storm is breaking, and it is not because of climate change, but because of economic change! The economic...

US Citizenship Rights Outlawed in America

(PCC)If you are a US citizen in the United States and would like to purchase your first home, you are barred from even applying,...

Democrats Covertly Building ‘Operation Decertification Force’ If Trump Wins.

(PCC)Did you know 35 election officials, who initially refused to certify the 2020 election results, are still in office today? The Death Of America...

Message From Israel – The World Is Worried

From one of our friends in Israel (name withheld) Steve I'm really worried the Democrats are getting ready to cheat again, and that's infuriating me. It's...

ALERT: Patriot Command Center Members Being Censured

(PCC)May I ask you an honest question? Why are more and more of our members facing censorship if the PCC and our Patriot members...

The Making Of A Disaster

(PCC)The importance of the upcoming election cannot be overstated. Voting is coming up in November, and the risk factor could not be higher. The...
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