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FEMA Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Protocol: Killing White People

(PCC)No matter how deadly or destructive, the Biden administration has made Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality (DIE) is a top priority in all federal agencies,...

Nightmare Disaster That Just Keeps Growing

(PCC)Goofball and Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be oblivious to the growing danger she inflicted on America by carelessly ignoring America’s hemorrhaging southern...

ALERT: Enhanced Security Alert: Possible Dangers to Trump’s Safety

(PCC)This is NO joke or hearsay! Our DC contact has received this critical update from a very reliable source. The left is inflaming hatred...

Biden To Sign False Executive Order

(PCC)Is this the Twilight Zone, reality or prophecy? The concept of a mentally impaired President of the United States unknowingly signing a false Executive...

Will Trump Survive Prison

(PCC)Progressives would like nothing better than have a prison riot break when Trump arrives to serve his prison sentence. During the riot many prisoners...

IRS Agents To Gut American People. Are you in their crosshairs?

(PCC)Hate to say: “I Told You So” but the new 87,000 audit agents, armed and now funded by your tax dollars are about to...

Update On The War In America – New Reconnaissance May 1st

PCC)Our reconnaissance team is receiving critical updates on a ‘minute-by-minute’ basis from the field. Here are the latest developments in Washington and throughout the United...

America People May Have No Country

(PCC)The November election will either return the America people back to the road of ‘for the people and by the people’ or disinherit the...

Illegals To Receive Services Stripped Of US Citizens

(PCC)To add injury to insult now the States and Cities are starting to strip services from US citizens and giving them to Illegal Aliens...

Are Progressives Preparing For A Coup d’état?

(PCC)In the name of keeping the peace and protecting democracy the progressives are now demanding, militias be banned and limit gun ownership. This smells...
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