(Tea Party PAC) – Leftists absolutely hate the wildly popular “Let’s Go Brandon” chant that has taken the country by storm. Not only is it a dig at their puppet president, Joe Biden, but it’s also a pretty strong message of unity amongst Americans who have had enough of the fraudulent regime ruining the country.
One particularly unhinged leftist claimed Sunday on CNN that the chant is actually a promotion of “insurrection” against the Biden regime. Of course, the tens of millions of Americans who have adopted the mantra know this is not true but leftists are nothing without their shameless propaganda.
No one should take anything the senior editor for leftist rag The Atlantic has to say seriously. The writers and editors at that publication are all clearly deranged, nonetheless, leftwing media outlets are happy to give them airtime.
Senior editor Ron Brownstein was utterly indignant Sunday when discussing a father who said “Let’s Go Brandon” on Friday during a phone call he was on with Biden and “Dr.” Jill Biden. During the call, the father ended with “Merry Christmas and Let’s Go Brandon,” to which the clueless Biden responded, “Let’s Go Brandon, I agree.”
BREAKING: Joe Biden was taking calls from the NORAD Santa tracking program and a dad ended the call with "Merry Christmas, and Let's Go Brandon."
Biden replied with: "Let's Go Brandon, I agree" pic.twitter.com/Hc0pLWGRx1
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) December 24, 2021
What a clown.
This is exactly the reason for “Let’s Go Brandon” yet Brownstein insists it’s actually a rallying cry for conservatives who want to attempt “another” insurrection against the regime.
Brownstein called the father’s dig at the usurper “ungracious,” “juvenile,” and “reprehensible,” which is hilarious considering all of the truly vile, disgusting tweets and displays of violence and hate leftists carried out during President Trump’s tenure.
“But I don’t think it’s fundamentally about incivility. I think it is fundamentally about insurrection,” Brownstein told the CNN panel.
I’m pretty sure they’re not chanting “Let’s go Brandon” as the NBC reporter is telling us. What do you hear? #fjb https://t.co/Ai6QU9uEZf
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 3, 2021
“I don’t know the individual, but the whole ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ kind of motif is a reflection of the view – two-thirds of the Republican base driven by Trump’s false claims and the big lie that Biden is an illegitimate president.”
“And it reflects as well the findings in multiple polls…that a majority of Republicans now say ‘the American way of life is disappearing so fast from a traditional way of life that we may have to use force to save it,’” Brownstein continued.
“This is a manifestation not just of incivility, but of the fundamental view of the illegitimacy and the ominous shores that we’re kind of sailing toward very quickly in 2022 and especially 2024,” he added.
Brownstein is fundamentally wrong but we shouldn’t expect anything less from someone who peddles propaganda for the radical left for a living.
He also went on to falsely claim that the fact that more people died of COVID under Biden than under Trump is “fake news.”
Leftists like Brownstein cannot be trusted.
The left’s outrage over this dad expressing his displeasure with the work of Joe Biden and his regime is just downright comical and hypocritical. Twitter users were quick to point out the fact that it was leftists who continually called for violence and lamented their hatred for President Trump during his term.
https://t.co/h5XadLpSTr pic.twitter.com/ihTpC6ChbP
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) December 26, 2021
Now the Left is upset at the guy that “disrespected” Joe Biden by saying “lets go Brandon”. If he had said “Eff Trump” instead, he’d be on Joy Reid, Don Lemon, Anderson Cooper, Morning Joe, The View, and a host of other programs celebrated as a hero.
— Dr.Darrell Scott (@PastorDScott) December 26, 2021
The same media upset about a guy saying Let’s Go Brandon pic.twitter.com/uDWWfVZ12k
— Brent Scher (@BrentScher) December 26, 2021
@thatpatriotmom 💀💀💀
An MSNBC segment reports that Palmetto State Armory is selling "Let's Go 15" branded lower receivers.
The reporter says that "Biden" is next to the "automatic firing mode," and that he reached out to the Secret Service on whether this counts as a threat against the President. pic.twitter.com/kMI8fDf15q
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) November 1, 2021
https://t.co/yUr4DrkGKs pic.twitter.com/NnSDqmc7WF
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 1, 2021
This week's top-selling songs:
1. @RealBrysonGray ft. @Tyson_James_ & @realCCrump Let's Go Brandon
2. @ImLozaAlexander Let's Go Brandon
3. @Adele Easy On Me
4. @coldplay & @BTS_twt My Universe
5. @walkerhayes Fancy Like— billboard charts (@billboardcharts) November 1, 2021
Copyright 2022. TeaPartyPac.org
Let’s go brandon! Sick of u liberal idiots and bought and paid for media whores bullying decent people,shaming and blaming, accusing,abusing…
What will save america is another revolution,call it insurection if u want,,LETS GO BRANDON
F*** U CNN ! The One of the FIVE FAKE NEWS MSM , MSNBC , ABC , CBS and NBC.
Don’t forget PBS.
Freedom of Speech is not terrorist
activity! It is patriotic activity, period!
And nobody is bothered by the fact that O’Biden agreed with “Let’s Go Brandon”? Our sitting president agreeing with that assessment of himself? And his wife, the smart doctor, smiling and agreeing as well?
Bothered? No,expected nothing less from the senile old fool.
And they R both DUMMER than a BOX OF ROCK’S ! And DEMENTIA Beijing Joey knows who he is 99.99 % of the Time. Beijing Joey spent 50 + Year’s in the SENATE and didn’t
Accomplish a DAMN thing and Jill OBiden Doesn’t know a thing about EDUCATION. Because she can’t Beijing Joey to Tie his own Shoes , Change his own Depends , Can’t seem to do anything without Screwing Everything Up . And needs a PUPPET MASTER to keep him in LINE .
Hard to believe the Communist News Network can be so full of complete drooling idiots. I give them a year or two and they’ll go under. Soooooooo dumb and hypocritical they can’t even understand how awful they look. They should just run cartoons, weather and some sports.
Yep, They should run Branco Cartoons, Have Weather-girls Vaguely dressed, And female sports,….