(PCC)Exclusive. Cry me a river! What! Conservatives too tough to eat? Now the enlighten progressive gurus are eating their own. How is this possible? AOC loses endorsement from Progressive Socialists for Not Hating Jews enough! OMG! What is the world coming to?
BTW – The good news; Biden is now on the ‘Senior’s Menu’ as a low-calorie substitute.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), commonly known as AOC, who has been a prominent critic of Israel in Congress, was dropped by the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) on Wednesday for not being sufficiently anti-Israel.
A.K.A The Jew-Hate meter was close to empty!
The DSA provided strong reasons for withdrawing their endorsement. These included AOC’s vote in favor of a resolution equating opposition to Israel’s right to exist with antisemitism, her support for the Iron Dome missile defense system developed by Israel, and her participation in a panel discussion with experts on antisemitism who oppose boycotts of “Zionists” which means she doesn’t have enough ‘Jew-Hate’ to be a useful minion for the Progressive’s to use!
AOC, who has identified as a “democratic socialist” since her 2018 Congressional run, was criticized by the DSA for actions they viewed as not aligning with their increasingly radical Jew-Hate stance against Israel.
The DSA acknowledged AOC’s previous support for Palestine, such as co-sponsoring several House Resolutions and opposing House Resolution 894. However, they expressed concerns about her vote for H.Res.888 and her co-signing of an April 2024 press release supporting the Iron Dome and other defense systems.
Additionally, AOC’s involvement in a panel with leaders from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, where anti-Zionism was equated with antisemitism and boycotts of Zionist institutions were condemned, was seen as a betrayal by the DSA. They emphasized the importance of national endorsements aligning with their commitment to Palestinian freedom and their broader socialist objectives.
The DSA’s National Political Committee, responsible for setting endorsement criteria, stressed the need for candidates to be unwavering in their support for Palestinian rights. They urged chapters to ensure endorsed candidates fully commit to the movement’s goals.
At one time Hitler would be proud of AOC, but now she is only a shadow of what she used to be! Did the Jew-hate expire or was it just too much for a bartender to manage? (comment below)
Despite AOC’s strong anti-Israel rhetoric following the October 7 terror attacks and her criticism of the Abraham Accords, a peace agreement between Israel and several Arab states, the DSA deemed her efforts insufficient and not filled with enough Jew-Hate to meet the minimum standards for Inclusion, Equity and of course the all-time favorite of Diversity!
AOC also faced backlash for accusing Israel of “genocide” in Congress and for supporting Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who held a radical pro-Palestinian stance before losing in a primary. However, these actions were not enough to satisfy the DSA’s expectations.
According to many in the Progressive and enlightened movement, Jew-Hate must be fresh, fervent and most of all Progressive in nature, so to sustain a constant and continual flow of the highest quality of Jew-Hate on the planet.
Final Word: The Jew-Haters consumed her and then crapped her out being very indigestible. Poor AOC’s, she has nothing left but to find a new victim to hate, of course there’s always Trump to hate as a last resort! A little hate is better than no hate in AO’s C camp.
What do you think? Are the cannibals starving or is there plenty fellow Democrats to go around? (comment below)