FEMA Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Protocol: Killing White People

(PCC)No matter how deadly or destructive, the Biden administration has made Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality (DIE) is a top priority in all federal agencies, including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), even at the expense of white communities!

However, FEMA’s DIE-driven policies came under heavy fire when Hurricane Helene’s effects wreaked havoc on communities in the southern United States. The impact on middle-class white neighborhoods has caused undue suffering, extended damage, and deaths. Why? This is primarily due to their lack of diversity, claims of exclusion, and low equity.

There has been controversy around FEMA’s strategy plan, which states that “instilling equity as a foundation of emergency management” is its primary objective, but ignores the trapped, sick, or starving citizens.

Detractors of DIE assert by prioritizing it over more traditional goals such as prompt emergency response and efficient logistics, the agency might be overlooking crucial disaster management concerns that affect all Americans, especially middle-class white communities, many of which suffered significant damage from Hurricane Helene.

DIE’s impact on FEMA’s goals is to ignore the larger community’s needs and focus only on minority needs; as a result, vast portions of the affected states are suffering undue damage, death, and soon starvation!

FEMA’s current strategic plan outlines diversity, inclusion, and equity in detail. The organization stresses how crucial it is to incorporate DIE into all stages of policy formulation and implementation.

This commitment, according to FEMA, includes funding employee resource groups, diversity training, and making sure that the company’s personnel are diverse in terms of experience and background. According to the organization, this strategy improves overall disaster response by encouraging an inclusive culture that benefits all communities.

FEMA needs to attend classes, complete sensitivity sessions, and meet hiring quotes before it can offer full assistance and complete training on diversity, inclusion, and equity. Completing these stringent requirements can take months, leading to a shortage of staff at FEMA.

Hurricane Helene, however, brought these goals’ practical ramifications into sharp relief. The hurricane submerged vast tracts of land, killed hundreds, and left millions without power. Critics contended that FEMA’s emphasis on equity would have hindered its disaster response efforts following such destruction. Conservative activist Robby Starbuck and renowned scientist Dr. Robert Malone were among the people who criticized FEMA’s “woke” policy on social media. Many others shared their sentiments, questioning whether the emphasis on DIE had hampered the agency’s capacity to meet the urgent needs of individuals impacted by the disaster.

Effects on White Middle-Class Communities are cursed by their color and income. In other words, despite their hard work, tax payments, and good citizenship, WOKE insists on discriminating against them due to their white skin, even if it could result in their death.

Despite FEMA’s insistence that its DIE standards do not hinder disaster relief efforts, concerns exist that the rush to prioritize minority or historically disadvantaged populations may have overlooked middle-class white communities, many of which reside in suburban or rural areas. After a significant disaster, when resources are scarce and recovery efforts are stretched, giving some groups priority over others based on perceived disadvantage could give the impression that they are being treated unfairly.

White middle-class families, typically not classified as “marginalized” or “underrepresented,” may face delayed responses or reduced funding for their recovery efforts, despite experiencing significant losses in disasters such as Hurricane Helene. The primary objective of FEMA is to “instill equity,” which raises concerns that it would overshadow the more important objective of providing the most effective assistance to all victims of disasters.

DIE opponents counter that focusing emergency management on equity could take attention away from the primary duty of organizations like FEMA, which is to deliver prompt and efficient disaster aid.

White middle-class groups are particularly sensitive to this argument. These communities are still susceptible to the effects of natural catastrophes, even though they may not experience the same structural disadvantages as others. These communities feel excluded and resentful if the federal government’s response seems to put DIE ahead of other urgent issues, like providing help to the hardest-hit areas as soon as possible.

Final Word: Citizens are suffering, dying, and soon starvation will set in. Also, standing water breeds disease and sickness, but if you are a middle-class, hard-working, tax-paying white family, you are exempt from government emergency relief help. Why? Look in the mirror, then shut up privileged whitie and pay your taxes!

