Gen. Flynn: Biden Might Get Hundreds Of Millions Killed

(Tea Party PAC) – Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn recently penned a piece for the Western Journal where he issued a dire warning about how Joe Biden and his administration are failing in their handling of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, noting a lack of meaningful media coverage on the incident and just how close we’ve been brought to an armed conflict with the Russian Federation.

Even folks who have purposefully sought out news coverage concerning the Ukraine situation can do basically nothing more than watch as the individuals who are currently in charge continue leading our country inch-by-inch toward a potential catastrophe and yet another armed conflict.

The left really seems to love going to war, even as they will hold protests against taking that very course of action. Nothing aside from abortion makes their hypocrisy so brazenly clear.

“​Although going to war is the most consequential decision that a nation can make, the people are rarely consulted by the elites, who are largely immunized from the consequences of their actions. If the people were actually consulted, wars would be rare events indeed,” Flynn wrote in his piece.

“​The rhetoric about the Ukraine conflict is out of control. President Joe Biden threatens that Russia would ‘pay a heavy price’ for any incursion into Ukraine. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warns of ‘massive consequences’ for Russia. Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, ‘We don’t rule out first-use nuclear action.’ First-use nuclear action rhetoric is not only extremely dangerous, but these types of nonsensical remarks also threaten the stability of the entire world,” Flynn continued.

Flynn then goes on to discuss how “policy wonks” like to toss around the phrase “failure of imagination” when it comes to failures concerning the intelligence community. The Biden administration, along with neocon defense and foreign policy think tanks located in Washington, are apparently all failing to imagine the potential consequences of the dangers currently lurking in Eastern Europe.

“War is not fair and is not meant to be. In fact, harking back to the failures in Afghanistan, during a recent State Department call, the following was stated: ‘Given that the President has said military action by Russia could come at any time. The US Government will not be in a position to evacuate US Citizens. So US citizens, currently present in Ukraine should plan accordingly.’ A stunning statement of failure!” Flynn added.

Flynn stated that we are currently living out the maxim that “truth is the first casualty of war.”

He then points out that if people are going to have any chance at all at stopping this situation from spiraling out of control, the first thing they need to do is resist all of the propaganda being spewed out of the mainstream media and find out the real facts of what is happening in this situation.

Biden and his ilk want us all to believe that Russia is trying desperately to regain its former greatness by overthrowing the government of Volodymyr Zelensky and then replacing it with some kind of puppet government that it would have complete and total control over.

The political establishment within both parties want us to think as if the Soviet Union still exists and is trying to expand its territory.

Flynn doesn’t think we should believe any of that.

“Responding to the buildup, a Russian official explained in a Tass article: ‘We are alarmed by reports some member-countries of NATO have stepped up the deployment of lethal weapons and military personnel to Ukraine,'” the report said.

“And if Ukraine were admitted into NATO, with its strategic location, Russian knows that NATO and the U.S. could place missiles literally on its border, creating an existential threat to Russia,” the report continued.

“​While Russia’s concern is obvious, the Biden administration has never even tried to explain the existence of any vital national interest of the United States in Ukraine that could justify hostilities. For his part, Blinken has asserted the principle that Ukraine must have the right to join NATO and claimed that principle could never be compromised. The Russians understand that would likely result in nuclear weapons being placed at its doorstep — closer to Russia than Cuba is to the United States,” Flynn wrote.

Flynn then stated, “​It should be obvious that there is no equivalency of interest here. None. NATO was established to preserve the peace, and it would be a tragedy of immense proportions if its threatened Eastern expansion would become the principal cause of a devastating war.”

“​Let’s put the current conflict into a historical context. If President John Kennedy was justified in risking war to prevent nuclear missiles from being installed in Cuba in 1961, then why exactly is Russian President Vladimir Putin being reckless in risking war to prevent NATO weapons from being installed in Ukraine in 2022? Would any great nation allow the development of such a threat on its border?” the retired lieutenant general said.

“​The world could have been thrown into war in October 1962 if Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had not been willing to take into consideration the non-negotiable position that Kennedy was taking. Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba, and he later reciprocated Khruschev’s action by removing U.S. Jupiter missiles from Turkey. Both great nations acted responsibly, and the Cuban Missile Crisis ended peacefully,” Flynn continued in his column.

The events that transpired on October 1962 are a reminder for us that there are great principles that govern how great nations must treat each other in order to preserve peace.

Flynn then recalled some of his training as an Army officer, which included learning and studying The Law of Nations by Emer de Vattel. This particular work played a huge part in guiding the Founding Fathers of our country as they were declaring independence from England.

The general said that it takes principles of natural law and applies these principles to nations, noting its a remarkable book.

Two of the principles that are set out in the book are of crucial importance in handling the situation we’re facing right now.

“Every nation … has … a right to prevent other nations from obstructing her preservation … that is, to preserve herself from all injuries … called the right to security … It is safest to prevent the evil, when it can be prevented.” This principle is the basis for the Monroe Doctrine and was exactly Kennedy’s response to the threat of Russian missiles in Cuba,” the piece said.

“Every nation is obliged to cultivate the friendship of other nations, and carefully to avoid whatever might kindle their enmity against her.” De Vattel then said: “Wise and prudent nations often pursue this line of conduct from views of direct and present interest; a more noble, more general, and less direct interest, is too rarely the motive of politicians.”

“All parties involved must seek to re-identify and apply those natural law principles to the current crisis before the world slips off into the abyss. While politicians generally double down on overblown rhetoric, there is still hope statesmen will arise, act responsibly and preserve the peace,” Flynn said.

“The United States and the Russian Federation are great nations. However, these great nations each have thousands of nuclear weapons that could kill hundreds of millions,” Flynn warned.

Flynn then says that given the stakes, it would be wise for Biden and Blinken to stop and listen to what Putin is trying to say and consider the reasons why Russia believes that its nation’s vital interests are at risk. If the U.S. has no comparable national interest to that of Russia, then that should become the basis of de-escalation.

“My strongest recommendation for consideration by those deciding the potential fate of humanity is to listen again to something George Washington, our first president, said about politics and war: ‘[B]e honest and just ourselves and to exact it from others, meddling as little as possible in their affairs where our own are not involved. If this maxim was generally adopted, wars would cease,'” Flynn says in the column.

Let’s hope for a peaceful resolution to this situation.

Copyright 2022.


  1. The global elites want a world war so they can exterminate the bulk of the human population, with the advance of AI they no longer need so many human workers, soon they won’t need any at all, with no work people will starve, seven billion starving people are very dangerous so they want you dead! They are not content to be wealthy, they see themselves a gods and we are messing up their planet!

  2. I don’t think Biden is aware of what he’s doing. Whoever is really in charge of the White House is the one handing Biden the soundbites that he dutifully delivers to the lapdog propaganda spewing media.

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