(PCC)Could you please help me understanding what just happened? As many of you know, I live in Newport Beach, Orange County, California, a strongly conservative area, but recently, something has occurred that doesn’t seem to fit into the political landscape.
Here’s the story, and you decide. The strange irregularities and errors on the ballot have raised many questions about the results of the Orange County, California, 2024 election. Being one of the most politically important counties in the United States, possible election-related mishandling could affect the House of Representatives’ power dynamics.
Two days after the election, on November 7, 2024, the first indications of turmoil appeared. Reports surfaced about dubious activities at the Orange County Registrar of Voters. Concerned individuals reported sending state-level un-named dark-suited representatives to the county to oversee the ballot-curing procedure, which sparked suspicion among local GOP supporters.
Mysterious Volunteers from Washington, D.C., took over the local Republican volunteers positions in the county amid extremely close contests in the 45th, 47th, and 49th congressional districts. GOP officials at the county registrar’s office called for immediate assistance, highlighting the urgency of mobilizing election monitors but it is unclear if any assistance came or their calls were returned.
Then came the ‘bomb’, or at least the reports said there was one!
A bomb threat interrupted the ballot-counting center’s activities, adding to the chaos. The center suspended voter counting and evacuated staff and members of the public and appeared to leave the ballots and ballot counting area unprotected and without surveillance!
Then came the termination of the live-stream feed of the ballot counting areas!
Unexpectedly, the facility abruptly halted its live-stream broadcast, prompting questions about transparency. Despite election officials’ claims of thorough examination and guarding of the site, the media strangely remained silent and blacked out about the incident.
Then came the strange and staggering discrepancies!
After the ‘All Clear’ was sounded suddenly ballot discrepancies started to appear, and the discrepancies were staggering! In Orange County, which has historically been a Republican stronghold, Democrats won five of the six contested House races, according to election results released weeks after Election Day. Nevertheless, a number of concerning discrepancies began to surface.
Then came the discovery of irregularities in voter turnout!
The county reports that 76.1% of voters cast ballots, a remarkably high figure often met with skepticism during election audits.
Then came the ballot count mismatch!
In the county, 1,417,397 ballots were counted, but only 1,391,307 votes were cast for all presidential candidates, leaving 26,090 ballots missing. Contrary to anticipated voting trends, GOP Senate candidate Steve Garvey garnered more votes than President Trump. How was that possible?
Then came the ballots issued vs. registered voters.
According to official records, there were 1,861,450 registered voters; however, 2,186,561 ballots were cast, which is more than 325,111 ballots.
Then came 40,078 mystery voters!
According to reports, there were 1,901,528 active voters, 40,078 more than on the county’s official registration rolls.
Then came the irregularity of Counted Ballots vs. Returned Ballots counted!
The county’s total of 1,417,397 ballots and the purported return of 1,108,281 ballots differed by 309,116.
Then came the blackout.
The mainstream media remained strangely silent, seemingly unaware of the issue! This is odd, especially considering a bomb scare, the evacuation of the Register of Voters Office, the failure of the livestream vote counting area, and the dynamic shift of power reaching all the way to Washington, DC!
Then came the shakeup.
The Orange County election shook-up Washington, DC, and the world! Orange County provided the Democrats with two Congressional seats in a dense Republican stronghold. This means the Democrats came closer in controlling the House of Representatives because of the Orange County votes!
Then came the shock.
The Democrats may control the House of Representatives with the 2 votes they gained in Orange County in the next election cycle.
Final Word: Help me figure this out!
- I live in Orange County.
- I vote in the Orange County elections.
- I am aware that the Register of Voters provides backup power for the cameras.
- I am aware of numerous strange and unusual events that have suddenly occurred.
- Should I be gravely concerned about election integrity?
- What do you think happened?