(Tea Party PAC) – According to a brand new story from the folks at WND, Daniel Greenfield, who is currently a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center has published a column at the Gatestone Institute that says Joe Biden has dispatched $1 billion of American taxpayer dollars to Afghanistan, which is currently under the control of terrorist group the Taliban.
You know, this should be something shocking, but given the track record of corruption from the Biden family and this administration, it’s not surprising at all. It’s just another brick in the wall so to speak. Not making light of it, this is a serious matter. Just stating that it’s not a surprise this man would make such a move.
“All that money has been handed over since Biden abruptly withdraw all American forces last year, leaving behind not just hundreds of Americans to be under the thumb of the terrorist Taliban organization but tens of billions of dollars worth of American war machinery,” WND said in its report on the column.
Greenfield goes on to explain that over the years, the United States and others “poured billions in humanitarian aid into Afghanistan,” the vast majority of which “went into the pockets of the Taliban.”
Ever since the horrific failure that was Biden’s troop pullout of the country, he explained the “sob stories” “hungry children, the girls deprived of education,” and a whole lot more as a means of making sure that donations continued to flood in.
“It was, Greenfield reported, at a United Nations event that the U.K., Germany and Qatar, which backs the Taliban, raised $2.4 billion for Afghanistan,” the WND report stated. “They had wanted $4.4 billion, and Biden’s contribution was $204 million, he said.”
“That’s on top of the $782 million in ‘humanitarian aid’ allocated to Afghanistan last year since the Taliban took over. This year, Biden signed an executive order allocating $3.5 billion of the Afghan assets held in the Federal Reserve for the same purpose. But even not counting those funds, Biden has dedicated $986 million to Afghanistan since the Taliban took over,” Greenfield wrote in his column.
“That’s nearly $1 billion in taxpayer money and nearly $4.5 billion in total funds,” he further clarified.
He then pointed out that the claim made by the Biden administration that the money is not going to the Taliban is “as plausible as its previous claims that the Afghan government wouldn’t collapse, that if it did we would be ready, and that all Americans would be evacuated before Kabul fell to the enemy.”
He then went on to reveal the reality behind the claim made by U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield that the money would go to NGOs and the United Nations.
“Since the Taliban control Afghanistan, they control the non-profit NGOs and the U.N. presence in what is now their country. Anyone who directs money into Afghanistan is funding the Taliban,” he wrote.
He then stated there’s already a “Monitoring and Control Plan of NGOs” implemented by the Taliban which allows the group to be able to control whatever those groups decide to do.
“The terrorists previously tried to create a joint force with other countries to hand out money, and have tried to pressure NGOs to hire Taliban members,” the report said.
“Since the NGOs rely heavily on local labor, all the Taliban have to do is intimidate Afghan employees into following their orders. And for a terror group that practices mutilation and beheading, that’s not hard. Does anyone really believe that an Afghan with a wife and children living under Taliban rule is going to follow our aid guidelines rather than those of the gunmen?” he said.
“After two decades of funding the Taliban with our efforts to rebuild Afghanistan, we’re still at it,” he said in conclusion.
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