MSNBC Anchor Reveals 6 Absurd ‘Cult’ Rules She Follows For Fauci

(Tea Party PAC) – It seems that folks like MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace lack any real semblance of self-respect, journalistic integrity, or professionalism, a point made clear by the fact that a clip in a story from WND reveals that Wallace informed panelists, “I’m a Fauci groupie, I’m a thrice-vaccinated, mask adherent, I buy N-95 masks by the caseload, they’re in every pocket, I wear them everywhere except when I sit down. And I am certain that this is not a variant I can outrun.”


It’s hard to believe there are folks who are so brain dead they can be easily manipulated into turning someone like Dr. Fauci, who has a proven track record of corruption and attempts to play mad scientist, into a “rock star.”

Johnson is absolutely correct in his assessment. The fact that Wallace is totally dedicated to these six rules of the pandemic is absolutely cult-like. It’s mind-blowing these folks can’t see that for themselves.

Here are the rules:

1. Fauci follower
2. Thrice vaccinated
3. Mask adherent
4. Buys N-95 masks by the caseload
5. Masks in every pocket
6. Wear them everywhere except when I sit down

“First, she is not ashamed to admit that she’s a Fauci groupie. She’s telling her audience that instead of performing her journalistic duty to act as a check against government corruption and to conduct unbiased and ethical reporting, she wears her unquestioning loyalty toward Dr. Anthony Fauci as a badge of honor,” WND points out.

This story reveals exactly why following Fauci is a huge, huge mistake.

One of the most popular Christmas items this year was a book put out by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. called “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which was written to expose the mad scientist and all of the corruption he’s participated in over the years.

“As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe,” the publisher’s book description states.

The blurb goes on to read, “Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists — whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward.”

Perhaps someone should gift a copy to Wallace.

Then, Wallace is sure to let everybody know that she’s not only fully vaccinated, but she got her booster shot like a good little girl as well.

“That’s great Nicolle, except for preliminary evidence from the University of Cambridge (and elsewhere) that the omicron variant appears to be very good at ‘evading vaccine-induced antibodies,'” the report stated, adding, “Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention supports this assessment.”

“On Dec. 10, the CDC reported that, of the first 43 confirmed cases of the omicron variant in the U.S., 34 individuals, or 79 percent, had been fully vaccinated, and some had even been boosted. Eight, or 19 percent, were unvaccinated, and one individual’s vaccination status was unknown,” WND said.

“So, a nearly 80 percent breakthrough rate is extremely high. It would be helpful to know if the eight unvaccinated had been previously infected and if the variant had broken through their natural immunity, or if they had neither natural nor vaccine immunity before becoming infected,” the report continued.

So Wallace also buys N-95 masks by the case, then stuffs them in all of her pockets and wears masks at all times, except when she sits down. It seems that masks have now become a symbol for virtue signaling. If you go out and about you’re likely to find single drivers, folks jogging, and even riding their bikes while wearing masks, despite the fact no one else is even around.

Say, wasn’t the whole point of being vaccinated so we could return to normal and not have to wear masks?

The only point that Wallace made that is accurate is the fact that she probably can’t outrun the omicron variant. It’s super contagious, however, the good news is that it seems to be weaker than the delta variant.

The bottom line here is that this illness is never going away. It’s impossible to avoid permanently because it’s become endemic to our population. It’s here to stay. The good news is that it should, as it mutates, become less and less severe and eventually be like a common cold virus.

Wallace, who is only 49, has a very, very slim chance of dying from the coronavirus, which means she has a duty and an obligation to stop spreading fear with her platform and assisting the government in the usurpation of freedom from the American public.

Copyright 2021.


  1. I believe it was called ‘Jones Town’, this is where all those ‘adults’ followed Jim Jones’ directive to drink the kool aide laced with cyanide, and the children followed. So to you ‘Fauci groupies’, be careful who you blindly follow. Fauci, never mentioning prevention or Ivermectin, or any other therapeutic, only ‘get vaccinated and wear your mask’, think of all the lives that could have possibly been saved!!

  2. Hahahaha……what a privileged little bit_ _ !… She would be better showing her ass being a cheer leader than slapping old men on airplanes. Snakes on airplanes would fly better than privileged bitches on airplanes.

  3. Fauci is a hero to people like her because he has been accepted as the clown to push the sheep into a state of fear and control. She, being a sheep herself and sheep do not like being alone.

  4. Dr Anthony Fauci’s intellectual Definition of epidemiology is limited only to “Get Vaccinated” and “Get a Booster”. The Real Epidemiology Science is never to be delivered to the American People.

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