(Tea Party PAC) – President Donald Trump took an opportunity last weekend to absolutely shred his biggest nemesis in the Republican Party, one Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, referring to her as “Pelosi’s lapdog” and flashing up an image of her face in a mashup with former President George W. Bush.
And boy does she deserve what she got. Cheney voted to impeach Trump, throwing her lot in with Democrats and has been on the warpath against him and the vast majority of the individuals who make up the GOP ever since.
According to the Daily Mail, Trump’s post bashing Cheney said, “Wyoming thought you were electing a conservative warrior, but instead you got a lapdog for Pelosi and a human sound bite machine for CNN and MSDNC.” For those who might not be in on the joke, the “MSNDC” is a mashup of liberal network MSNBC and the Democratic National Convention.
“Liz Cheney hates the voters of the Republican Party and she has for longer than you know. Wyoming deserves a congresswoman who stands up for you and your values not one who spends all of her time putting you down and going after you president in the most vicious way possible,” the former president went on to tell thousands of supporters who had gathered together in Casper on Saturday.
Trump then went on to refer to the three-term congresswoman as the face of the Washington swamp and then said she represented the same failed foreign policy of former administrations such as the Bushs, Obamas, Bidens, and Clintons.
The former president then blasted Cheney’s face on the jumbotron located at the front of the Ford Wyoming Center where her hair and face were mashed up with a photograph of former President George W. Bush.
“I think she looks good, looks nice,” Trump jeered. “But Liz Cheney is about America last.”
“Trump visited Casper, Wyoming nearly three months before the Wyoming GOP primary on August 16, 2022 where the candidate he endorsed – Harriet Hageman – is the favorite to win,” the Daily Mail said. “Hageman received several standing ovations in her remarks ahead of Trump taking stage.”
“Her simple message: Wyoming is ‘fed up’ with Cheney and other congressional RINOs, which Trump uses degradingly to refer to those he claims are Republicans In Name Only, but who do not represent real ideals of the Party,” the report continued.
During Trump’s comments on stage, he said that RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) are far worse than Democrats.
Then, what was a throwback to the days where he played a judge on reality television, Trump said that Wyoming residents needed to “fire” Cheney.”
“Because of what Liz Cheney did, that’s why she was thrown out of the House Republican leadership, which is just about a first. It’s why she was censured by the Republican National Committee, which is so lame – that virtually never happens,” he went on to say. “It’s why she was censured by the Wyoming GOP. We have [Frank Eathorne Jr.] here, I’ll introduce him, but I’m very proud of Frank.”
“And that’s why in two months from now, the people of Wyoming are going to tell her Liz you’re fired get out,” Trump stated.
President Trump Speaks in Wyoming “The people of Wyoming are going to tell her ‘Liz, you're FIRED.” pic.twitter.com/tchgC0kQVG
— RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) May 28, 2022
And the crowd exploded into applause.
Like this? https://t.co/9CM2u87x3A pic.twitter.com/mU3tqOPMhg
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) August 17, 2022
lmao aged like fine wine https://t.co/gK1ielrcYq
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) August 17, 2022
Proud to cast my ballot today. The challenges we are facing require serious leaders who will abide by their oath and uphold the Constitution- no matter what. pic.twitter.com/PcTXUR6Aw1
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) August 16, 2022
As badly as Cheney is getting clobbered now, her deficit is on track to approach 40 pts and she's poised to lose every county except Teton (Jackson Hole). #WYAL
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) August 17, 2022
When Liz Cheney is sent packing tonight by Wyoming’s voters, it will be the first time in over a hundred years we will no longer have any Bush’s, McCain’s, Cheney’s or Clinton’s in office!
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) August 17, 2022
BREAKING: Harriet Hageman wins Republican nomination for U.S. House in Wyoming's at-large Congressional District, beating incumbent Liz Cheney. #APRaceCall at 8:21 p.m. MDT. https://t.co/2nlgpji7ac
— AP Politics (@AP_Politics) August 17, 2022
The Cheney speech tonight will be delivered in a picturesque spot outside Jackson. Veteran TV producer James Goldston, an adviser to the Jan. 6 committee, and a film crew are on hand here in Wyoming–as "a friend" of Cheney. From our CNN blog: https://t.co/hmtIbHI9Cm
— Jeff Zeleny (@jeffzeleny) August 17, 2022
The idea that Cheney could be a serious factor in a 2024 GOP primary or would siphon votes from Trump as an independent remains as preposterous as the idea this #WYAL primary would be competitive.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) August 17, 2022
Bye bye, @Liz_Cheney. pic.twitter.com/YTreJcZpyw
— Taylor Budowich (@TayFromCA) August 17, 2022
Yikes! https://t.co/8iHmlIhLJe
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 17, 2022
I've seen enough: Harriet Hageman (R) defeats Rep. Liz Cheney (R) in the #WYAL GOP primary.
— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) August 17, 2022
Decision Desk HQ projects Harriet Hageman (@HagemanforWY) is the winner of the Republican nomination for Wyoming's at-large U.S. House congressional district. She has defeated incumbent Rep Liz Cheney (R).#DecisionMade: 9:27pm EDT
More results here: https://t.co/lXPOtTvdbv
— Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) August 17, 2022
Hageman did indeed pull off a major victory over Cheney, making her the laughingstock everyone already knew she was.
Trump posted on Truth Social about Hageman’s victory, saying, “This is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now. Thank you WYOMING!”
So the people of Wyoming really did fire Cheney.
Isn’t that glorious?
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