(Tea Party PAC) – Joe Biden probably has no clue how unpopular he is with Americans, after all, he just said last week that the “economy is strong as hell.” Biden is clearly living in a bubble that is carefully controlled by his handlers, whomever they may be.
This weekend, Biden will be traveling to Rehoboth, Delaware, where he will enjoy a nice relaxing weekend on the beach instead of traveling to any number of locations around the country where Democrats are desperately fighting to win their upcoming elections.
In many areas, Democrats are trailing their Republican opponents and it’s no surprise why. The economy is in shambles, inflation is crushing the middle class, the southern border is wide open, crime and drug use is rampant and Americans are tired of the progressive woke ideology being shoved down our throats that includes abortion and transgender issues.
Republicans, of course, are thrilled to see Biden vacationing over the weekend instead of campaigning for Democratic candidates. It shows just how unpopular Biden and the Democratic Party are right now.
“Joe Biden’s unpopularity follows him wherever he goes,” Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, told RealClear Politics, “and Democrats know their unwavering loyalty to Biden is their biggest liability.”
The White House knows the numbers aren’t looking good for Biden. RealClear Politics Average shows that far more Americans disapprove of Joe Biden’s job performance, 53.7%, than approve, 43.3%. It isn’t going to help any Democratic candidates for Joe Biden to show up alongside them on the campaign trail, especially ones in close races.
Republicans, however, would love to see Joe Biden out stumping for Dems. One senior GOP strategist all but invited Biden to rally on behalf of his Democratic colleagues, offering to lay out “a welcome mat, an open sign, or even a red carpet: whatever it takes to get Joe Biden on the road for down ballot Democrats.” This isn’t likely to happen, the strategist joked, because Biden “is as a toxic as your last relationship.”
It’s clear the only party Biden could possibly help by making campaign stops is the Republican Party.
The White House is acting like it’s totally strange to wonder what Biden’s schedule will look like between now and the midterm elections, since he hasn’t engaged in much of the traditional political fanfare.
WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a reporter asking about Biden’s schedule that it was a “bizarre question.”
She went on to claim that Biden has “been very visible” and pointed to recent stops in Colorado, Oregon, and California, all states which are pretty safely blue and where Biden won by double digits in 2020.
She also pointed out that Biden has been very active, attending party fundraisers and working the phones to bring in donations.
Apparently, Biden is planning a few trips to campaign with Democrats. Next week he’s scheduled to make an appearance in Pennsylvania where Lt. Gov. John Fetterman barely leads Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz. In November, he’ll travel to Florida where Charlie Crist trails Gov. Ron DeSantis, which seems like a waste of time, quite honestly.
“He has been on the road nonstop, and he will continue to be on the road nonstop,” Jean-Pierre told reporters. “And, you know, where he is needed, he will go.”
Though it appears he’s only been traveling to Democratic strongholds which further underscores his unpopularity.
“Biden’s travel to deep-blue states instead of hitting the road for vulnerable Democrats is testament to the lack of enthusiasm among Democrats,” McDaniel told RCP before plugging the Republicans who “are traveling the country and taking our message to all voters because everyone is suffering from Biden and Democrats’ failures.”
Meanwhile, Biden continues to take trips to Delaware where he has spent a fourth of his presidency, according to a recent analysis by CNN.
Democrats are expected to lose big in November and it will be primarily thanks to Biden and his abysmal leadership.
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