(Tea Party PAC) – Joe Biden, the man who occupies the highest office in the United States government, has become both famous and infamous, but not because he’s some sort of great leader. It’s actually quite the opposite. His horrific domestic policies, which have trashed our economy, coupled with his constant creation of gaffes and blunders, are what have made this man a legend in his own time.
However, his latest verbal oopsie needs some serious explaining. Preferably, sooner rather than later.
According to WND, Biden stated during a speech that he has “cancer.”
“He was in Massachusetts to announce what he wants to do – as an executive and without Congress – to fight climate change, since Republicans and Democrats in Congress aren’t going along with him,” the WND report said.
Biden then went on to say it’s an “emergency.”
Biden says that his mother using windshield wipers to "get literally the oil slick off the window" is "why I and so damn many other people have cancer." pic.twitter.com/YIoBlZadRJ
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 20, 2022
It's hard to tell if Joe Biden actually has cancer, is compulsively lying again, or is just struggling with dementia. https://t.co/cvE03r3VfE
— Corinne Clark Barron (@corinnec) July 20, 2022
BIDEN: "Since Congress is not acting as it should…we're not getting many Republican votes, this is an emergency." pic.twitter.com/btS0WdRISh
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 20, 2022
Twitchy then reported that Biden said, “We’re a bit surprised the White House didn’t have Biden deliver the speech in the Nevada desert while telling everybody that’s what it looks like just outside Scranton now because of climate change.”
“But if you weren’t already convinced that a few trillion more dollars should be spent and Biden should be able to do it without congressional approval, allow the president to use a personal story to explain how oil caused (and causes) cancer,” Biden continued.
And that’s when the report pointed out the bit about cancer.
There was a significant amount of doubt floating around on social media about what, exactly, that statement meant.
Twitchy then attempted to explain the situation, saying, “Even though he used the word ‘have,’ Biden might have been referencing the removal of non-melanoma skin cancers that a White House doctor’s report last year blamed on too much time in the sun…”
I mean, we all know that Biden is not what you’d call a master public speaker. The man mumbles, fumbles, and jumbles his speeches on a weekly basis. He even admitted once that he is a gaffe machine. And that might have been the first and last time Joe Biden ever told the truth.
Regardless, the White House needs to come out and clarify this statement, truthfully, so that we the people know what’s going on with him. If he does have cancer and it’s serious, well, he needs to step down from office as he would be unfit for duty, where he can focus on treatment.
Im confused by his speech today… Does Joe Biden have cancer or dementia?
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) July 20, 2022
For a second I thought Biden had cancer, then I remembered he's senile and likes telling make-believe stories about the life he had before he was elected to the U.S. Senate FIFTY YEARS ago this November. https://t.co/LdCzoB7VL6
— Christopher Bedford (@CBedfordDC) July 20, 2022
Team Biden endorses the idea that the president was referring to the "non-melanoma skin cancers" that were removed.
But Biden spoke about it in the present tense: "That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer." pic.twitter.com/juf9lhVfpY
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) July 20, 2022
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