SHOCKING: American Anti-Revolution Is Exploding

(PCC)History has witnessed revolutions throughout the ages, some bloody while others seemingly effortless and without struggle. What America is witnessing is not a departure from the US Constitution or the overthrow of the founding principles but rather the re-establishment of those same great principles that made America great!

The great American anti-revolution is exploding on all fronts! Instead of burning the US flag, the overabundance of flag-waving citizens is growing expeditiously!

Now with the reassurance of original patriotism, America finds itself in a paradox where the restoration of common sense, which feels radical, and the return to patriotic normalcy seem abnormal, especially after a decade of being told how horrible America is!

The reason? For decades, the political and cultural elite have normalized unsustainable policies, reckless spending, and divisive identity politics, causing a systemic shock when a leader dares to reverse course and declare it is normal to love America!

Fiscal responsibility has been ignored by the America haters, but at some point, it was inevitable that a president would need to confront America’s unsustainable debt and borrowing habits. The nation could not indefinitely run up massive deficits without consequence. It was inevitable someone would take on the politically unpopular task of fiscal responsibility, which included cutting waste, eliminating fraud, and balancing the budget.

However, spending only what the country can afford is now seen as extreme but hailed as a return to sanity by those who want the Anti-Revolution to expand exponentially!

Likewise, a functioning nation cannot survive without a secure border. No sovereign state can endure an annual influx of over 14 million illegal aliens without facing demographic, economic, and security challenges. And yet, restoring border security seems shocking to those who have benefited from its erosion; thus, the Anti-Revolution has cut deep into the open borders cabal!

Foreign policy was all over the map! (pun intended). The nebulous goals and lack of accountability driving endless military engagements abroad inevitably led to questions. The hate America crowd has portrayed the return to a pragmatic, America-first approach that prioritizes national interests over ideological interventionism as isolationist rather than rational.

The reason such measures appear radical today is that the previous decades normalized the abnormal, made common sense look silly, and made American virtue appear outdated and reviled. The very institutions that should have protected American stability and prosperity instead fueled its decline. Previously centers of study, universities have transformed into indoctrination factories, suppressing dissent. Ideological constructs that undermine women’s sports and scientific integrity have replaced biological reality. The administrative state has bloated into an unaccountable, self-serving entity more interested in perpetuating its own power than serving the public.

Anti-Revolution restores the foundational principles of 1776, not the revisionist narratives of the 1619 clan! Ensuring education remains empirical rather than ideological should not be radical. Holding all individuals—citizens or non-citizens— equally accountable under the law should not be an anomaly. However, those who benefited from the previous twisted status quo have vilified these common-sense actions as extreme.

The Anti-Revolution is reestablishing authority by deleting and outlawing the weaponization of law enforcement agency resources against political opponents, yet those seeking to restore accountability in these institutions are now framed as dangerous and must be arrested in the name of protecting the democracy!

The anti-revolutionary movement demands the firing of corrupt bureaucrats and the dismantling bloated agencies, but failing to do so would only perpetuate a system that has undermined the very Republic it claims to defend and, in essence, is revolutionary against all America holds dear!

Anti-Revolution’s cry is to make America great again, but this can only be done through national self-control, which includes facing the economic realities of energy policies. Affordable crude oil fuels, used wisely, remain crucial to modern prosperity. Pretending otherwise has led to soaring costs and energy dependence on foreign adversaries. Again, recognizing that this truth is framed as Neanderthal rather than necessary.

In truth, the outrage over the anti-revolutionary reforms is not about fairness but about power.

Those who engineered the cultural and economic disruptions of recent years:

  • Cry foul when their policies are reversed.
  • Yell cruelty while ignoring the suffering caused by their own reckless decisions.
  • Howl in rage against fiscal restraint while ignoring the burden of debt.
  • Scream racism, denouncing border security while living in gated communities.
  • Whine about authoritarianism while orchestrating legal warfare against political opponents.

What America is witnessing is not extremism but a long-overdue course correction, an anti-revolution to bring the nation back to its foundational principles. Instead of being radical, these changes threaten entrenched interests that profited from the previous progressive disorder.

Final Word: Many Americans use to believe the dysfunctional revolution of change was normal. Now, as sanity is restored, many are experiencing a new feeling of normality, believing it is OK to Make America Great Again, and the Anti-Revolution just feels good!