(Tea Party PAC) – Tucker Carlson dominates cable news ratings because he isn’t afraid to tell the truth and the truth is sometimes hard for Americans to hear. No matter how hard it might be to hear, it’s what we need in order to make more informed decisions at the ballot box.
On Monday, Carlson spent his opening monologue warning about the Biden cartel selling out the United States to China. He also pointed out that stories about drugs and hookers from the Hunter Biden laptop from hell is merely a distraction to the real evidence from the computer, which is that Biden is a puppet for the Chinese Communist regime.
He first pointed out that Joe Biden has taken multiple steps to protect China, including concealing the origin of COVID-19, which very well may have been a manufactured virus created by the Chinese military to kill millions, cripple the economies of the world and establish dominance.
Joe Biden also canceled a counter-espionage program that leftists deemed to be “racist” so now China can “spy and steal” without consequence.
“[Joe] Biden kept doing things like this,” Carlson asserted.
Even more troubling is the fact that Biden is lifting tariffs against China imposed by President Trump, but he’s not just lifting the tariffs, he’s had the men who influenced Trump to impose the tariffs, Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, arrested on bogus charges relating to Jan. 6.
Carlson said the message from the Biden regime is clear: “Don’t criticize the Chinese government or we’ll put you in jail.”
Further, Joe Biden turned over Afghanistan mineral wealth to China, did away with President Trump’s ban on Chinese surveillance programs in the US, came to a climate “pledge” with China and much, much more.
It’s no coincidence that Joe Biden is destroying our energy industry in favor of Chinese wind and solar technology, not to mention the Chinese technology used in electric vehicles.
Nothing about the Biden regime’s submissiveness to China is subtle and Americans should be very concerned.
“Whatever helps the Chinese government Joe Biden has dutifully done,” Carlson stated.
Of course, the mainstream media has largely ignored all of this, including any possible threats to the US from China. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, too, has been covering for years of plotting and planning with China.
He’s made numerous public statements denying any knowledge of his son Hunter’s business dealings abroad, however, a recently exposed recording of Joe Biden leaving a voicemail for Hunter Biden on the very subject of his business with China proves Biden is an outright liar.
Tucker Carlson suggests it’s time to stop paying attention to the stories about drug abuse, escapades with prostitutes and his dysfunctional familial relationships and start focusing on what’s really going on here and that would be the Biden regime selling out America to it’s greatest adversary, China.
Carlson presumed that those watching from Beijing are “very happy” with Joe Biden and a report from Big League Politics pointed out how all of the leftist collusion we’ve seen over the last six years is all about appeasing China.
The report explained, “As Carlson would later emphasize, Americans must understand that the reason mainstream media outlets are refusing to cover such a smoking gun story about its nation’s compromised leadership has more to do with China’s influence than Hunter Biden. It’s why big tech and other powerful left-wing institutions care far more about keeping China pleased and Joe Biden in office than pursuing truth. And it’s why they were willing to not only suppress the ‘laptop from hell’ ahead of the 2020 election but also gaslight Americans for listening to their own lying eyes and ears and buying into the ultimate ‘right-wing conspiracy theory’ of the time.”
Carlson further pointed out that the very conspiracy that Democrats created about Trump colluding with Russia, which have been almost entirely debunked, is exactly what Biden is guilty of doing with China.
Carlson said those claims are, “almost exactly what they accused the Trumps of doing, except in the case of the Biden’s they really were getting rich from a foreign power that means us harm.”
The Biden regime is the most anti-American regime in the history of the US and it’s hard to imagine how anyone is going to be able to stop the damage that’s been done to this country since Biden usurped power and engaged in Chinese appeasement to our own demise.
Even if President Trump were to retake the White House in 2024, what’s stopping China from unleashing another dangerous pathogen on the world? They likely already have much more dangerous viruses ready to roll out when the time comes. This is a scary predicament the world is in right now.
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