WARNING! Washington Announces Plans For ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated

(Tea Party PAC) – We’ve all witnessed the steady decline of liberty here in the United States and around the globe as the coronavirus pandemic has stretched into its second year now, watching with utter shock as places like Australia start making “internment camps” for those who either get COVID or who refuse to take the very much still experimental coronavirus vaccine.

Most people probably thought that such a thing could never happen here. This is America, right? Land of the free, home of the brave and all that. Well, lots of conservatives have been tossing out the warning that such things could absolutely happen here, and it looks like that’s what’s happening in the state of Washington.

According to a new report from Infowars, there’s a chance Washington might amend a current law that would allow the forcible detainment of residents into “internment camps” if they continue to defy the state’s vaccine mandates.

This is what happens when people are convinced by the state to surrender their freedom for the illusion of safety.

The proposed revision to the coronavirus protocol which is under the Communicable and Certain Other Diseases Act known as WAC 246-100-040, outlines “procedures for isolation or quarantine.” (Screenshot here).

This amendment would then provide local health authorities at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

“Additionally, the measure would allow law enforcement to assist public health officials in detaining residents who refused the COVID injection,” the report says.

WAC-246-100-040 then goes on to state that “a local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section in accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.20.050(4) and 70.05.120.” (Screenshot here).

The “emergency detention order” would then allow folks to be detained “for a period not to exceed ten days.”

“This alarming measure comes in tandem with Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D) effort to hire ‘strike teams’ to run quarantine camps, outlined in the state’s governmentjobs.com website, a term that has since been scrubbed from the website sometime after the bulletin was posted in September 2021,” Infowars says.

The state website (screenshots here and here) is now saying, “Isolation and Quarantine Camp Consultant” duties include “Maintaining the readiness of the facility and equipment which includes ensuring contractors have cleaned the facility adequately.”

These “Isolation & quarantine team consultants” will end up earning somewhere around $3,294 to $4,286 a month for their services.

Gee, tyranny has become a rather lucrative racket.

“Notably, WAC 246-100-040 was certified on October 25, 2019, just months before the COVID-19 pandemic began in January 2020,” Infowars reports.

“Inslee further warned unvaccinated residents on Wednesday that he will soon impose even more harsh COVID restrictions to address the 146% spike in COVID cases despite 68% of Washington’s residents being ‘fully vaccinated.’

Oh and the state of Washington isn’t the only place in the country considering such a bill. As it turns out, New York is trying to pass something similar (screenshot here) that would enable Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul to forcibly detain anyone she deems a public health threat.

According to Infowars, the legislation, which is known as A.416, would “allow the governor or the appropriate health official to order the removal and detention of any person afflicted with a communicable disease in the event that there is a state of health emergency declared by the governor in relation to such disease.”

“[A]ny person or group removed or detained by order of the governor or his or her delegate shall be detained for as long as the department may direct,” the proposed legislation goes on to say.

There is to be a virtual public meeting put on by the Washington State Board of Health on January 12 to chat about the implementation of W 246-100-040 (screenshots here and here).

A Physician Assistant named Scott Miller told the folks over at The Gateway Pundit that members of the GOP are receiving pressure to fight back against these kind of directives at the upcoming virtual meeting.

“If we can persuade this board to do the right thing and put our children first, our state will have hope,” Miller commented. “We are desperate for them to uphold the principles that our nation was founded on and preserve the freedom we have as parents and Americans to determine what goes into our children’s bodies.”

“They have already set up the internment camps. I’ve seen photographs of them,” he then said.


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