Zelenskyy—A Short Story for a Small Man

(PCC)Before I start this article, I want to ask a simple question: Does everybody realize the White House argument between Zelenskyy and Trump was staged, right? Just like a Hollywood movie, everyone played their parts very well!

How do I know this? Zelenskyy knows he can’t get any more money out of Trump, so why did he show up to the White House?

Trump, on the other hand, had to disconnect the Democrat poster child from the American people and make him politically radioactive.

Putin has to believe that Trump is not going to double-deal against Russia and behind the scenes with Zelenskyy.

As the media licked up the White House tussle, they gleefully reported exactly what Zelenskyy and Trump wanted. They played the lamestream media like a fine violin, making them dance to their tune!

But wait! What about the Zelenskyy story?

Let’s start with Zelenskyy, a.k.a. Mr. Z was handed a nation in distress being invaded by a world superpower, and he rifled together a ragtag army to stop the quickly advancing trained Russian military. Furthermore, the deployment of the drone air force was a brilliant move, regardless of its origin. A drone costing less than $100.00 could destroy an 11 million high-tech Russian tank.

In addition, Zelenskyy persuaded Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden to give him (Ukraine) billions and billions of unaccounted-for dollars with no pledge to pay any of it back. Once again, it was a brilliant move!

But it doesn’t stop there. Then Zelenskyy convinced Europe that the war in Ukraine was to protect them from a Russian invasion and eventual control of their homeland, and in doing so, he painted himself as a victim and the protector of Russia’s next target, the heart of Europe!

Fast forward, now he is facing President Trump, who will end the war one way or another, which means no more sugar daddy American dollars, and then he was being forced to give away 500 billion dollars of Ukraine’s natural resources.

So what is Mr. Z to do? If he stands up to Trump, he will be the ‘picture boy’ for the European and American Democrat Trump resistance and applauded by all the Never-Trumpers. Which is exactly what he did and ignited a shouting match in the White House, but to what effect?

Keep in mind Trump has never eviscerated anyone in the public square or in front of the cameras, especially a visiting dignitary, so this leaves only one option. Oscar award-winning grade acting and exactly on script!

It is crucial to remove Mr. Z from the political sphere without resorting to assassination, as it would transform him into a legendary figure. With Mr. Z removed from the limelight, Trump can open the negotiation with Putin without European interference and then CLOSE THE DEAL!

Mr. Z will be regarded as the man who stood up to the evil Trump—the victim only trying to save his nation—and will always be respected as a freedom fighter!

Now that Mr. Z is out of the way, America thinks of him as a crooked dictator, Putin doesn’t have to deal with him, and Trump has cleared the playing field. Wala, The Art Of The Deal, works again!

But what about Mr. Z? There are two possible outcomes.

Either there will be a mysterious plane crash fiery mishap where the body can’t be identified, or he will be welcomed with open arms by all his European admirers, and they will beg him to stay and enjoy their company and, of course, to spend his billions of delicious American dollars in their shops, stores, and hotels.

But there is a lingering question I must pose to the readers of their article; it is serious and very, very important.

Question: Will Mr. Z (alive or presumed dead) opt to buy a 17th-century castle on the Rhine with hot and cold running maids as he spends his billions, or will he buy a chateau in Switzerland and enjoy skiing and wine tasting?

… and your answer is:

