Franklin Graham Obliterates Biden’s Claim That The ‘Right’ To Abortion Comes From Being…

(Tea Party PAC) – On Wednesday, Joe Biden made a statement in response to the leak of a draft opinion from the Supreme Court that seems to indicate the Court could be overturning Roe v. Wade, the decision that led to the legalization of the murder of the unborn.

The comment was made during a news conference held at the White House.

In this statement, Biden claimed that abortion was an inherent right God gave everyone. Yes, according to the man with swiss cheese for a brain, God, the Creator and Ruler of the universe, wants people to have the “right” to kill their children. Guess that whole commandment forbidding murder is just there for window dressing.

Well, according to the Western Journal, just one day later, the Rev. Franklin Graham tore that claim to pieces.

“This is about a lot more than abortion. … This reminds me of the debate with Robert Bork. Bork believed the only reason you had any inherent rights was because the government gave them to you,” Biden went on to say.

Biden was referring to the former President Ronald Reagan’s rejected nominee for the Supreme Court. Biden, as head of the Senate Judiciary Committee at that time, presided over Bork’s confirmation hearings in 1987 and, of course, voted against his confirmation.

“I said, I believe I have the rights that I have not because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because I am just a child of God, I exist. I delegated by joining this union here to delegate some … rights I have to the government for social good,” Biden stated.

“The first half of Biden’s assertion is a traditional American view. The Founding Fathers believed humans had inherent rights that were not given by the government, and that idea is woven into the country’s founding documents,” the Western Journal reported. “Yet Biden’s argument in this case differs from the views of conservatives in two main ways.”

The first is the fact that conservatives hold that the purpose for which the government exists is to protect human rights which are inherently from God or Nature’s God. This is vastly different from the belief espoused by Biden when he stated that he delegated some rights “to the government for social good.”

“While Biden’s view of the role of government is not a conservative one, this disagreement is purely political. It simply represents the difference in the way modern liberals and conservatives view the government’s purpose,” the report continued. “The second way the president’s statement breaks with the view of conservatives is both political and moral, and this is the one with which Graham took issue.”

While conservatives believe that our rights come from God, you’d be hard pressed to find one that believes that abortion is one of those rights, especially since it flies in the face of what the Bible teaches about murder.

“Yesterday President Joe Biden said that the right to an abortion comes from being a ‘child of God,’” the evangelist went on to write in a Facebook post published on Thursday.

“Mr. President, that is just not true. Being a child of God does not give you the right to take the lives of the innocent. Abortion is a sin — simply put, it’s murder,” he added.’

Here’s a great example from Scripture that allows us to see what God thinks about the unborn. In the Book of Jeremiah, the first chapter, fifth verse, the prophet recounts what he heard from the Lord concerning his own life.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations,” Jeremiah 1:5 states.

Many believers in Christ think this verse, along with others, affirms that babies in the womb are human and are alive, therefore, to abort that baby is murder.

“While it is one thing for Biden to have a different view of government from conservatives, using Christianity to make an inherently non-Christian argument is another thing entirely,” the WJ reported.

Graham made sure this did not go unnoticed.

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