VIDEO=> Internet Flips Over Biden Saying “New World Order” Is Coming

(Tea Party PAC) – According to a report from Infowars, there’s a video that has now reached a million views online that features Joe Biden saying there’s a “New World Order” coming, which is pretty freaky given the source of the information.

One could potentially chalk up this admission to the fact that Biden’s mental faculties continue to degrade and he might have let this statement slip. Or maybe the left has just become so brazen about their plans for the future of this country and the world that they no longer care if this sort of thing is talked about openly?

Now it seems clear that the utter destruction of the U.S. dollar is all part of a plan to bring about a post-America world where both freedom and economic prosperity are tossed out in favor of neo-feudalism.

And lest we forget, Biden is not the first person to occupy the Oval Office who has made use of the term, “New World Order.”

Gee, remember back when we were all told that “The Great Reset” and the “New World Order” were nothing more than conspiracy theories? Guess that wasn’t the full story, was it?

The reason folks like Alex Jones and others who promoted such ideas were so heavily targeted was not because they represented “misinformation” that was deemed harmful. No, they were targeted because they were right. And that is terrifying.

“Biden mumbled through remarks and casually said that Russia is planning a ‘cyberattack’ against the United States,” the Gateway Pundit reported.

“The magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential and it’s coming,” he stated.

Then Biden went on to blurt out Klaus Schwab’s plan.

“There’s going to be a new world order out there and we have to lead it,” Biden stated, going on to disclose information he got from a top military official during a “secure meeting.”

“Anne Neuberger, Biden’s deputy national security adviser for cyber and emerging technology on Monday warned the Russian government was gearing up to attack US infrastructure, however she didn’t offer specifics,” another report from The Gateway Pundit stated.

“Today we are reiterating these warnings, and we are doing so based on evolving threat intelligence that the Russian government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks on critical infrastructure in the United States,” Neuberger went on to say.

So yeah, thanks to Joe Biden and the failures of his administration, Russian President Vladimir Putin has an entire list of 16 entities that if attacked could cripple the United States. As if we needed more reasons to think this administration is incompetent.

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