(PCC)In the name of keeping the peace and protecting democracy the progressives are now demanding, militias be banned and limit gun ownership. This smells like a coup but the progressives claim they are trying to prevent one and preserve our precious and delicate democracy.
Using Jan. 6 Capitol protests as an excuse to leverage government lawmakers such as Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) have introduced the “Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act.” Many are claiming this bill seeks to abolish or at least limit militia activity, citing concerns regarding threats to democracy.
While supporters assert the legislation is essential for protecting constitutional rights, skeptics worry it will encroach on citizens’ Second Amendment rights and criticize the Democrats for pursuing an agenda they believe could potentially weaken the nation’s security.
The proposed bill aims to make certain behaviors (open-ended) related to militias illegal, but offer little guidelines or framework in what would be limited, and if the militias would have to register with a government office very much like sex offenders do. According to Sen. Markey and others, the legislation aims to prevent a recurrence of the Jan. 6 insurrection, highlighting the involvement of armed and dangerous white supremacists affiliated with paramilitary organizations.
Private paramilitary citizens, like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, are a significant concern for the preservation of protection of democracy. It is crucial to establish new and stronger restrictions on their unauthorized activities impede the exercise of individuals’ constitutional rights expressed was expressed by outraged progressives.
Support for the bill, highlighting the concern certain groups employ “political opposition” and “Democracy Destruction“ as a means of intimidation and a threat to society. Progressives are claiming the legislation makes it clear these paramilitary operations carried out by citizens are not protected by the Constitution.
Skeptics contend the proposed legislation overlooks the significance of federal assets present among the crowd during the events of Jan. 6, indicating a more comprehensive approach is necessary to tackle the intricacies of the situation.
Furthermore, there have been concerns expressed regarding the potential consequences for law-abiding citizens who engage in lawful militia activities protected by the Second Amendment.
The proposed bill seeks to address this issue by prohibiting certain actions, such as:
- neighborhood watches
- publicly patrolling communities
- exercise maneuvers and drilling
- engaging in quasi-paramilitary activities
- voluntarily assisting law enforcement
The legislation suggests various levels of criminal penalties depending on the seriousness of the violations, with stricter penalties for those who have committed multiple offenses and probationary sentences for those who are first-time offenders.
In addition, the bill offers opportunities for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and private individuals to take legal action against paramilitary activity through civil federal lawsuits.
Final Word: This is a smoke-screen for grab your guns, stop citizen protection groups and self-defense, but why?
Will a foreign power invade America and the government do nothing leaving families unprotected?
YES! It’s happening now! Communist Joe is aiding and abetting the invasion of America over the southern border! Will the defunded police assist innumerable neighborhoods? Will Sleepy Joe allocate funds for citizen protection? ….and will the progressives simply seize control and tell you to sit down and shut up?
Multiple Choice Question:
Are Progressives Preparing For A Coup d’état? Why it is necessary to ban guns, Neighborhood Watchs, Militias while defunding the police and running America into bankruptcy?
- An unarmed, bankrupt nation is easy to conquer
- To install US style communism
- Establish the progressive government agenda
- All of the above
Leave your answer in the comments below.