GOING VIRAL: This Devastating 100-Second Biden Video Should Be Everywhere

(Tea Party PAC) – Joe Biden addressed the nation Tuesday night when he gave the annual State of the Union. During his remarks he mumbled, fumbled, and bumbled as usual but still managed to drop some impressive nuggets of truth and wisdom.

For instance, Biden explained to America that Russian President Vladimir Putin is close to losing popularity in Iran and that the Iranian people will never lose their love of freedom.

Biden taught us what a pound of Ukrainian people meant for Putin and informed America that deer don’t wear Kevlar vests.

Surely, we all felt reassured when he told us that walls don’t stop vaccines and were inspired when he concluded his speech with “go get’em!”

Grabien founder Tom Elliot took the time to put together a wonderful montage of several clips of Biden imparting his wisdom onto the American people. He shared it on Twitter with the caption, “SUPERCUT!@POTUS: The State of the Union is … [indecipherable].”

We all know that what Biden meant to say and what actually came out of his old, frail, feeble mouth are two entirely different things. It’s the most endearing characteristic of the mentally checked out #46. At the very least, it provides comical relief in these very dark, depressing times.

Despite the fact that Biden had a teleprompter to guide him along during the State of the Union, Biden wasn’t even able to follow along. He still managed to sputter out incomplete, incoherent, mixed-up, confused thoughts yet he is the man trusted to lead the US when the world is on the brink of global conflict and disaster.

Biden has access to the nuclear codes. What could possibly go wrong?

While Biden attempted to appear tough in sending a message to Putin that he couldn’t overpower the might and spirit of the Ukrainian people, he ended up just looking foolish and incompetent as he repeatedly misspoke.

“Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people,” Biden blundered this important line while Kamala Harris, sitting behind him, looked visibly embarrassed and appeared to mouth the correct word “Ukrainian” unconsciously.

In his attempt to praise the virtues of the Ukrainian people, Biden once again stammered and looked foolish, giving way to yet another meme-ready one-liner for social media users.

“And a pound of Ukrainian people. The proud, proud people — pound for pound — ready to fight with every inch of [gibberish] they have,” Biden said.

Even as he attempted to convince Americans that all was well right here at home were foiled by his inability to speak coherently or intelligently.

“Because you can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine,” Biden bizarrely asserted and then continued on, without even bothering to correct himself, “A vaccine can stop the spread of these diseases.”

There is just so much wrong with this statement, which was meant to be a dig at President Trump and his border wall. Aside from the failed attempt, the point Biden was trying to make is patently false. The vaccines do not actually prevent any diseases, certainly not COVID, as has been proven.

Yet another blunder when talking about staying competitive in a global workforce made for yet another hilarious Biden quote.

“To compete for the jobs of the future, we also need a loving playing field,” Biden said instead of “a level playing field.”

His most entertaining quote of the night came when he was addressing the left’s favorite cause: gun control. As per usual, Biden was railing against high-capacity magazines.

“Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines over 100 rounds. You think the deer are wearing Kevlar vests?” the president amusingly asked, as if Americans are concerned about having high-capacity magazines for the sake of hunting deer.

Biden also didn’t disappoint when he creepily and awkwardly told the American people everything is “going to be OK” despite soaring gas prices, record-breaking inflation, geopolitical instability, and an ineffective southern border.

“We’re going to be OK. We’re going to be OK,” he stated.

To wrap up the entire ordeal, Biden gave one last gem by ending the speech with “Go get em!” or possibly “go get him!” Either way, what a strangely casual way to end the State of the Union address.

The worst part of the whole thing, gaffes aside, is the fact that the Biden regime has spent the last year actively destroying the US and creating a much less stable world.

For Biden to stand before the American people and not only refuse to acknowledge the damage he and his regime have done but also attempt to declare that they have the answers to fix it all, was a slap in the face. This entire speech was gaslighting at the highest level.

Do not let the Democrats get away with it. Continue to hold them accountable for the destruction they have and are still causing the US. They are going to turn up the pandering this year with the midterm elections coming up. Don’t fall for their lies.

They are anti-American socialist commies no matter what comes out of their mouths.

Copyright 2022. TeaPartyPac.org


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