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Biden’s V.P. And Cabinet Refuse To Take The Oath Of Office

(PCC)Shocking! What the swamp doesn’t want you to know is just by placing a hand on a Bible and uttering a few words does...

Iran To Attack Israel, Is America Ready?

(PCC)Here we go! No, it’s not the end of the world but it might be for millions of people. With Vladimir Putin waging war...

Manufactured Disaster Bankrupting Cities

(PCC)The problem of the Illegal Alien invasion is completely manufactured by the progressive agenda of the swamp and the fallout is bankrupting deep blue...

Left Invents New Disaster To Torture America

(PCC)Just about the time we think there in nothing more to worry about the Progressives find a new campaign to torture America. Soon they...

Progressives are dancing in the streets for another voter-cheat system

(PCC)“A brilliant success! Congratulations and High-Fives” Filled the air as the new vote cheating-trick was launched. This ‘dry-run field test’ is being hailed as...

Treasure Trove Of Massive Illegal Votes Uncovered

(PCC)Volunteers stumbled over 1,000,000 pieces of evidence ‘a vast stash of voter irregularities previously hidden from inspectors!’ Recent discoveries in Ohio have uncovered shocking...

Olbermann’s hypocrisy – If You Can’t Beat Trump, Kill Him?

(PCC)Keith Olbermann, a prominent progressive media commentator plants the seeds of assassination of Donald J. Trump, not doubt as a means to stop Trump’s...

If You Support The Police, You’re A Racist—Riots Are Needed!

(PCC)A progressive senator has issued a call for rioting, threatening racially motivated looting, burning, and shoplifting as evidence of one's racism; this will teach...

QUIZ: Biden’s Top Secret Garage Documents, What Will Happen To Them?

(PCC)Good News: Bidens stash of thousands of top-secret documents doesn’t include launch codes for a nuclear strike and America does have to worry about...

Private Prayer being Outlawed

Pray this demonic law doesn’t come here! Progressives are licking their lips as they review the new laws going into effect. Biblical principles have...
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