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Is Kamala Harris A Houseplant?

(PCC)Several commentators have cleverly drew a parallel between Kamala Harris's role and  of a houseplant. With a touch of humor has highlighted how Harris...

Did You Know That You Are A Terrorist? Just Ask Biden!

Biden’s DHS has been authorized to pour tens of millions of taxpayer dollars into identifying "Extremists" based on online speech! What could go wrong? Have...

WAR! Conservatives Must Drain the Swamp, Or Else!

(PCC)The swamp has a secret plug at the bottom! Let’s pull it and drain it once and for all! Americans must focus on the...

MISSING: Sedition, Treason, and Insurrection, Can You Find Them?

(PCC)The terms "insurrection" and "sedition" hold significant gravity, often associated with acts of subversion and unrest. This is why Democrats employ these words as...

Illegal Aliens To Crush Dems Plans

(PCC)You heard it first here, folks! As the liberal cities and states continue to be overrun by undocumented immigrants from all corners of the...

Armageddon Economy Starting Now!

(PCC)The tax and spend crowd will soon have no taxes to collect but will the swamp spending addition be halted or will the fed...

End Of The American Population – A Sterilized Generation.

(PCC)I fervently believe this is not a mere conspiracy theory, but rather an alarming reality surpassing any work of fiction. The so-called vaccine was...

Trump Indictments Bypassed Congress, But Why?

(PCC)Did you know none of the Trump indictments were made while Congress was in session? This could be a 'Big Deal' Former President Trump...

China’s Economic Implosion To Clobber America

(PCC)A Wake-Up Call for America! The recent economic downturn and possible implosion in China has significant implications for the United States. Amidst China's severe...

Government Guidelines To Control What You Drink

Beer soon to become extremely regulated, but all in the name of freedom and the preservation of democracy. Remember how the ‘suggested Covid guidelines’ were...
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