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Dems To Poison Democracy?

(PCC)In the name of protecting democracy the Dems may use the same poisonous recipe in the 2024 election. Will the demonic chiefs cook from...

The issue of Barren Food Deserts

(PCC)First they came for our police, and they were defunded. Then they came for our vote, and the other guy won. Now, they are...

Voting Machines Hacked using only a ballpoint pen

(PCC)OMG! Dominion Voting Machines Hacked using only a ballpoint pen, in court and in front of the Judge! University of Michigan Professor demonstrates vulnerabilities...

Mr. Biden, Tear Down That Statue Of Liberty!

(PCC)They got away with destroying statues of Civil War heroes both Confederate and Union and who spoke up?  Many Dems are now lining up...

Is It Time To Block Biden?

(PCC)As much as America loves to make fun of sleepy Joe clandestine shadow figures are silently struggling to manipulate the election game, and it’s...

States Demand Ballot Authority, Constitution Takes A Hike!

(PCC)Just about the time America thinks there is no more evil left in Nancy Pelosi she surprises even her biggest fan…..Satan! In a surprising twist,...

Panicked Dems Banning Neighborhood Watch Committees

(PCC)Neighborhood Watch Committees are now dangerous heavily armed white supremacist private armies waiting to storm helpless families while posing as safe militias. Balderdash! In a...

Calling All Patriots! New Powerful Weapon At Our Fingertips

(PCC)Calling All Patriots! New Powerful Weapon At Our Fingertips Trump is being prosecuted for questioning the results of his Presidential election, now he has a...

Bidenomics A Boom For Protected Class….but it’s not who you think

(PCC)Free housing, fresh clothing, warm blankets, 3 square hot means a day and in some cases full accommodations at a 5 Star Hotel including...

2024 Top Issues – What Are Yours?

(PCC)Bigshot experts love to hear themselves bloviate nothingness while filling Washington and most of America with their important sounding hot air, but fail to...
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